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Everything posted by Xucphra

  1. Xucphra

    Is DayZ going to be at this years E3?

    DayZ is this years E3. :thumbsup:
  2. Xucphra

    pulling off drive-bys

  3. Xucphra

    Kill with your hands

    It would be so much easier and require far less training to just seek out the biggest, heaviest thing in your immediate area and hit them over the head with it.
  4. Xucphra


    Dummies? That's rude.
  5. Those aren't the real names of the towns/villages, right?
  6. Xucphra

    Damage drop-off at range

    Did you use slugs or pellets for this?
  7. Xucphra

    Outfits affect the way you play

    I like to believe things meant to be used by soldiers (at least from developed countries) are probably well-made. I don't know why it would matter with pants, but military pants probably work well outdoors.
  8. Xucphra

    Banned on US264 Dallas 1

    A very brief use of google led me to the website of the clan that uses that server. Perhaps you should consult them there.
  9. Xucphra

    Improvised bandages

    :huh: I thought I was clearing that up.
  10. Xucphra

    Simple double-barrel improvement

    It's already a double barrel shotgun. I don't think properly aligned/sized sights are going to make the gun that much more effective. Just a cosmetic issue to make it seem less ridiculous when firing it.
  11. Xucphra

    Improvised bandages

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/126607-toilet-paper-first-aid/page__hl__%2Btoilet+%2Bpaper+%2Bbandage http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/130326-tolet-papre-bandages/page__hl__%2Btoilet+%2Bpaper+%2Bbandage That idea is old, and people have explained before why it doesn't work. Bed sheets don't fall apart when they get soaked in blood.
  12. Xucphra

    Simple double-barrel improvement

    The sights could use a tune up too. I can't even tell where I'm aiming with that thing.
  13. Xucphra

    How to Store Gear

    Same here. I've never had a tent or vehicle save my gear properly before. I gave up trying to stash things a long time ago.
  14. Xucphra

    What settings do you play on?

    Normal settings, no AA or Post-process. I get a good 40-50 FPS.
  15. Xucphra

    Armour inbound

    I got a good laugh out of that. Great post.
  16. You refer to yourself in the second-person. It seems odd, but you're okay with it. You might even find it funny. There's nothing wrong with you. You always talked like this.
  17. Shame on all of you for letting this continue. I can't think straight after trying to read this thread.
  18. Xucphra

    Do AS50's spawn anymore?

    Why don't you... err... I don't even... Where to begin...
  19. I can't say that I do, which is probably a bad thing. Some will, some won't. One question, many different opinions and approaches. Such is the way of DayZ.
  20. Xucphra

    First murder
