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Everything posted by Xucphra

  1. Xucphra

    Group/Squad tags

    The system from Arma 2 where all your squad members are marked with green diamonds and number designations would be really convenient in DayZ. Unfortunately, I don't think that would fit into the realistic design. In my personal opinion though, I'd love to see something like this happen. I'm always losing track of friends I play with and having to ask "Is that you?" with a bit of concern. Perhaps that's the idea though, to have to keep track of your own people with no assistance from the interface.
  2. Xucphra

    ak 107 pso, is it a legit weopon?

    It's hacked. I suggest you discard it before someone bans you thinking you're a hacker.
  3. Also, I'd like to point out that "reseted" is not a word. It's just "reset".
  4. In that case, I would recommend you run into a zombie-infested area with a friend, run inside a building, have him fire off that loud rifle you're seen holding in the video, and sit in the doorway hitting zombies with a hatchet.
  5. Xucphra

    Infinite Unconscious?!?! Need help..

    Do you not get the location message when you log in? I haven't logged in unconscious in a while, so I can't remember if it appears. If it does it should be in the lower right corner of the screen to tell you you're in Cherno, Elektro, Kamenka, wilderness, etc.
  6. That's the hero skin? I thought it was just an alternate survivor outfit to make people look different. Killing zombies seems to boost humanity, but other than that I really have no idea where the number comes from. Murders make it go down more significantly. But what exactly are you looking for? An explanation? A resolution? Your post is just a big complaint.
  7. Xucphra

    Infinite Unconscious?!?! Need help..

    Maybe you can PM someone your location/server and have them come shoot you?
  8. Copy and paste a wall of text so long nobody will read it and realize it has nothing to do with the topic. Pretty clever.
  9. Xucphra

    New Endgame Content

    Turn DayZ into another mindless "Kill zombies in waves" system? :|
  10. Oh, was wondering what caused that. Does that mean they escaped and will appear alive on another server, or is it simply a bug and they're still dead in the system?
  11. Xucphra

    Killed my first Bandit

    1-3, depending on their blood level.
  12. Xucphra

    Question about ATV

    Be careful, those things are notoriously easy to flip. I ruined three in the same day once. :| Drive slowly off-road and never drive on bridges or docks/wharves.
  13. Xucphra

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    Can't stop coming back to this thread.
  14. Xucphra

    Why is there no punching in the game?

    I got a good laugh out of this. I give you my beans.
  15. Xucphra


    I wouldn't have put it so bluntly, but this is the problem.
  16. You really can't complain about a free mod you didn't pay for. And before someone says it, no, you didn't pay for DayZ, you paid for Arma 2.
  17. Xucphra

    Graphics Glitches ( artifacts)

    The act of changing the setting seems to be what fixes the problem, not the actual choice of settings. Once you change something, just return to your preferred configuration.
  18. Seems like an unfortunate coincidence more so than an issue with the game itself. I've never known anybody who had the short skin change cause them to lose a firefight. I doubt there's really any chance this would happen to you again any time soon.
  19. Xucphra

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    What island? There's no island. I have no idea what you're talking about. You should leave.
  20. I had a lot of fun running through all the training missions to learn how the system works. The campaigns are best played with friends, and those big town capture game modes (Civil war and Mountain Warfare I think) are pretty good. Just grab some people you know and screw around with it, most of it is pretty entertaining. Just be ready to deal with bugs, there's so many you'd swear Arma 2 was still in beta. Make sure you do everything through Operation Arrowhead, because you can play all the same things as in regular Arma 2 with the extra features.
  21. Xucphra

    Graphics Glitches ( artifacts)

    I can usually fix it by changing the 3D resolution in my graphics settings to something different, then reverting back. I've also heard changing your video memory fixes it. If all else fails, restarting the game always seems to work.
  22. Xucphra

    Makarov SD, is it legit?

    Probably hacked. Unless you're just the first person ever to find one.
  23. Xucphra

    Is server hopping a banable offence

    I would find it hard to believe that it would be considered abuse on the part of the admin, provided you had sufficient evidence. I don't speak for the DayZ team though, this is just my assumption.
  24. Xucphra

    Is server hopping a banable offence

    Who are you directing the question at? What a server admin considers bannable and what the DayZ team considers bannable are two different things. Are you asking if it would be abusive to use administrative powers on a server to ban someone who did this?
  25. Xucphra


    OP is trolling.