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Everything posted by Xucphra

  1. Can you be reached by other players? PM me your server and I'll see if I can come help.
  2. Xucphra

    Hero vs Bandit

    I like the idea of a taser, would be nice to have a way to incapacitate players without killing them.
  3. Xucphra

    Have a FN-Fal for trade

    How many magazines do you have for it?
  4. Xucphra

    Got teleported to nowhere.

    You're probably the victim of a hacker. Try downgrading your game to a previous version (such as, and joining a server with the same version. You should spawn on the coast. After that you should be able to update your game again and load into the place it spawned you.
  5. Xucphra

    Lose stuff while swimming?

    I've never had it happen.
  6. I considered that possibility, but since a friend and I were the only two people on the server when we stashed the stuff, and it was in a very remote location... it just doesn't seem possible that someone discovered it through legitimate means.
  7. Xucphra

    Need help

    You should be fine.
  8. Things are always getting lost in tents/vehicles. I've made bases with tents, vehicles, rare weapons, etc. Every time I came back to check on my stuff either the tent was empty and the vehicle was gone, or the tent was empty but the vehicle still had things in it. It seems like it's dumb luck whether or not your stuff saves. It's fine until a server restart, but after that you just can't trust it.
  9. Try using DayZ Commander. I used to have problems with SixLauncher and I've never had an issue since I started using DayZ Commander.
  10. Xucphra

    Hero achieved, wearing ghillie suit

    If you don't mind looking through big cities like Cherno and Elektro, people generally leave their civilian clothes on the ground when they pick up a ghillie or camo clothing. If you look around on a mildly populated server you can probably find some. That being said, if you find another ghillie or camo, you could always clothes swap with someone and let them have the clothing. Most people would agree to that.
  11. To the best of my knowledge that black SUV is not available in DayZ, so somebody must have hacked it in.
  12. I think it's around 1000, though I don't know for sure. I know I lost about 150 humanity when I accidentally shot (not killed) a friend of mine, so maybe that has something to do with it.
  13. Does it cause any problems, or prevent you from playing?
  14. Xucphra

    Hey, need some help

    For your first question, yes. I switched to civilian yesterday from a ghillie and was wearing a hero outfit. Not sure about the second question. To the best of my knowledge, humanity is supposed to roll over from previous lives so it can record your overall attitude towards the game. Hope that helps.
  15. Xucphra

    Can i run Day Z/arma 2 with a ATI 5450

    Unfortunately, I don't think you'll get acceptable frame rates on even the lowest graphics settings with that PC. You should upgrade if you can afford it.
  16. Xucphra

    Tent question

    The tents should each work independently, and you should save them all individually.
  17. Xucphra

    get bored of fk*ng server

    This thread bothers people not because he doesn't have a point, but because it's just a way to vent complaints with no possibility of good results.
  18. Xucphra

    My helicopter exploded mid-flight

    They weren't necessarily waiting for you to go by, but considering how visible you are in a chopper and the radius around you from which you can easily been seen when flying, it's not all that difficult to imagine someone happened to see you and shot at you.
  19. Xucphra

    fucking qoads on this game

    I don't think they anticipated vehicles being so valuable when they made Arma 2. In Arma 2 OA, the ATV is just a cheap ride, and if you wreck one you can just get another.
  20. Xucphra

    My helicopter exploded mid-flight

    Choppers aren't exactly subtle. You can hear and see them from a great distance, and .50 cal snipers shoot accurately at great distances...
  21. It's a real, non-hacked gun if that's what you're asking.
  22. Xucphra

    Golden Revolver

    I've only seen it in some custom map/missions with all kinds of guns in boxes. It also appears in the multiplayer armory game mode. There's also a gold plated AK I believe.
  23. Xucphra

    ghillie suit spawn locations

    Check it out here. Random residential buildings seem to be the best bet.
  24. If it happened to you 5 times why do you keep going back and repeating the process? It could be a problem with the server version. Loading into a server with the wrong version of DayZ can cause you to be dropped on the coast, possibly losing your weapons. Some servers have you restart when you show up on them (odd setting or non-hive server? I don't know). Leaving the server fixes the problem. Do you use sixlauncher, or an outdated version of Arma 2?
  25. Xucphra

    Golden Revolver

    It's just another hacked weapon. There really is a golden revolver in Arma 2 OA.