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Everything posted by Xucphra

  1. Xucphra

    i dont own the video

    I disagree with this guy's opinions. He sounds as if he just gives up on what he believes in every time the situation changes.
  2. Xucphra

    Meeting up?

    Check out the survivor HQ, there's usually lots of people there trying to form groups or join/recruit for them.
  3. Xucphra

    Humanity/Hero Skin

    Humanity persists through death, and females cannot change skins at all. (That includes no female ghillie, bandit, camo clothing, etc) And yes, your hero status is revoked below 5k, though not necessarily immediately.
  4. Xucphra

    why dark is great

    What is this? I don't even...
  5. Xucphra

    trading arma 2 for OA

    You need both Arma 2 and the Arma 2 OA expansion to play DayZ. I'm also pretty sure you aren't allowed to trade real world items on these forums.
  6. Xucphra

    It's Officially Official.

    Better write that down.
  7. Xucphra

    It's Officially Official.

    Clever troll?... perhaps a rock dweller?
  8. Xucphra

    why dark is great

  9. That's why you never help out by supplying weaponry.
  10. Xucphra

    Just found rarest item in DayZ

    Every time someone finds something or someone gets shot it's worthy of a video on the forums.
  11. Xucphra

    The Group recruitment threads.

    I just wish they'd stop demanding a copy of your birth certificate and displaying "You must be this tall to join" signs. Some of their recruitment demands are ridiculous. The forums tend to be a better place to trust people than the game itself. The only people who use the forums as a lure to kill/rob people are the truly underhanded minority.
  12. That's the interesting thing about this game, you'll never know if you just prevented your own death or killed a potential ally. You made your decision and now you're stuck with the results. As for my opinion of whether or not you should've done that, I would've tried to call out considering you weren't holding anything valuable and you could pick it up again in 5-10 minutes after respawning.
  13. Xucphra

    2 rarest guns found in the barracks!

    Sounds about right. Can't stand the SVD scope, but that MK 48 is great. Interesting find.
  14. Xucphra

    seeking help with optic troubles

    Can you post a video or screenshot? It would make it much easier to see what the problem might be.
  15. The DayZ team can't kill you. You're probably in the debug plains. Try downgrading to a lower version of DayZ to spawn yourself on the coast, or I believe you can run in a certain compass direction for a while to get out (not sure which direction). If all else fails, just leave the game on and wait to starve to death.
  16. Xucphra

    Just a little help please!

    Unfortunately, hackers can pop up anywhere. Your best bet is to stay away from high population servers (20+ players) and look for servers with active admins. Good luck, and keep trying.
  17. Xucphra

    Are cars still buggy?

    As far as I know, vehicles/tents are still bugged in
  18. Just because you like to take part in that sort of thing doesn't mean everyone else will. I've deliberately run out to find "friendly" players and made some good friends doing so. Don't condemn all of DayZ to a shoot on sight mentality just because you yourself believe that is the only way to do things. Of course it's dangerous, but that makes it interesting.
  19. Xucphra


    I can imagine looting someone's body and reading the wall of profanity they had pre-written to assault their killers eyes.
  20. Xucphra


    Actual firefights are much less common than being sniped/shot without warning. Gunfights are very fun, but more often you'll find yourself getting shot without knowing what hit you and shooting others before they can retaliate (If you're that kind of player). It's not that hard to see why, considering how easy it is to hit a guy when he's not looking in this game.
  21. Xucphra

    Funny weird death

    So you shot at them and they rammed you with a car. Why is this bizzare?
  22. Xucphra

    Not sure if this the right area

    Might qualify as a "Server General" kind of question, but I don't think anyone would dispute your placement.
  23. Xucphra

    Little help with the forums, and Hello!

    If you need to magnify online text, just hold control and use the mouse wheel to enlarge everything.
  24. You need to post this under "Server Reporting" with screenshot/video evidence to back up your claim.