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Bungle (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bungle (DayZ)

  1. Bungle (DayZ)

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    That should really be removed from the first post. First of all, I've lost count of the number of times the admins have restarted the server into pitch blackness. None of them know how to set the server back to daytime after they restart it. Second, you have a kid admin (I assume he's a kid because he's on about 18 hours a day). His name is TotalWar and he just banned me because I killed him and he was upset. He later told my friends that he'd un-ban me after an hour, but the damage has been done. I've been a regular player on this server for a month and have never done anything remotely shady. I'm going to move to one of the other 5,000 DayZ servers. Fuck you, TotalWar. One by one, you publicly questioned every person in my group without having a shred of evidence. You just didn't like getting killed TWICE at the NW Airfield. BTW, I was on a cheap laptop getting 20 fps on crappy hotel WiFi when I killed you, punk.
  2. Bungle (DayZ)

    US 4551 Finders, New Private Hive.

    There was a hacker on your server tonight named "FRIENDLY". He was accusing someone else named "Igy" of hacking. I don't know about Igy, but I know for a fact that FRIENDLY is a cheater. We killed him near Stary and he and his friend both had NVGs, L85s, and range finders. One of my friends killed him again five minutes later in Elektro and FRIENDLY had all the same gear again, including a Coyote Backpack. I called him out in side chat and he immediately left the server. I'm sure you don't like banning people based on the word of strangers, but the three in my group have zero doubt that he cheats (he was also flying around in a helicopter earlier).
  3. Bungle (DayZ)

    if i buy re buy arma 2 can i play

    Pingu, nobody wants to play with you. Please fuck off and find a different hobby.
  4. Bungle (DayZ)

    I have a few questions about tweaks for Dayz

    I have a Phenom II quad core and adding exthreads=7 gave me an extra 10 fps or so. These are my launch options in DayZ Commander: -cpuCount=4 -exThreads=7 -maxMem=2047 -nosplash -noPause They definitely help.
  5. Bungle (DayZ)

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    No - keep it. You could possibly balance things out a bit by reducing the number of barbed wire spawns along the coast though. Make it so you can't just litter Cherno and Elektro with it just because you're a jackass.
  6. Bungle (DayZ)

    Getting more FPS

    This guy has the same video card as you and seems to be doing okay: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14dR_JRN_uE Maybe ask him what settings he runs at.
  7. Bungle (DayZ)

    Unbeliveable low FPS

    Turning your settings too low will force the game to use more CPU and less video card, which is a bad thing. I saw a framerate improvement when I went from Very Low settings to High settings.
  8. I like mine! The 7870 has more stream processors and higher clock speeds compared to the 7850. I suppose you could just look at this chart and decide if the extra frames are worth $50 to you. It looks to me like the 7870 doesn't really pull ahead until you start gaming at 2560x1600 resolution. http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/548?vs=549 There are shady review sites out there. Anandtech is the site I trust more than any other for hardware reviews.
  9. I like the Gigabyte model on top. It has a factory 115 MHz overclock and quiet cooling fans. Make sure you don't run the game on low settings after you upgrade - I have a 7870 and the game runs faster on high settings than low - it's because the stupid game engine runs everything through the CPU on low settings.
  10. Bungle (DayZ)

    recording program help

    Fraps is old and outdated. It uses too much CPU time and it spits out gigantic, uncompressed files. Use Bandicam or Dxtory instead.
  11. Sorry - the Radeon recommends a 500W power supply and the GeForce recommends a 550W power supply. That lines up perfectly with Anandtech's review, which says the Nvidia card uses about 40 more Watts under load.
  12. They're both awesome cards. No need to spend more money. And I'm not sure there is a computer alive that can play DayZ smoothly all the time. It's a buggy mod built on a buggy game engine. And I'm pretty sure there are times when the server you play on will limit your framerate, and no amount of video card power in the world will change that.
  13. I'm telling you - the Radeon 7850 is a faster card. Do what you want though. Both of those video cards require a ~550 Watt power supply. Any decent power supply of that size will have a strong enough +12V rail.
  14. The best video cards in your price range are the Radeon 7850 and GeForce GTX 560 Ti. The Radeon is a better card overall, although the Nvidia card is a little faster in Battlefield 3. I'd pick the 7850. Your CPU will be a solid gamer for a while to come - no need to upgrade that at all. When it does start to show its age, you should be able to overclock to around 3.6 GHz or so, assuming your motherboard can handle a base clock of 240 MHz (it might not. It doesn't support 125W processors, so it might not handle an overclock very well). Your RAM is fine for DayZ because the Arma engine won't use more than 2 gigs of RAM anyway. If you ever do start to maxing your RAM usage out, you could double it for less than $40.
  15. Bungle (DayZ)

    DayZ 96015/95016 Artifacting

    I haven't seen a single artifact since I switched to 12.8. I have a friend who also had his problem fixed with 12.8. Both of us had it really bad before updating to the newest driver. In fact, I just came to this forum to post that I thought 12.8 might have a fix in it, but saw this post first. Sorry for the first two posters, but anyone reading this with an AMD card who is sick of the artifacts should give 12.8 a shot. It worked for me.
  16. Bungle (DayZ)

    release that patch

    DahBunny, you have nothing to add to this conversation. We know it's an alpha; we know it's a mod. If you can't post on topic, please stop posting in this thread. Honestly, calling us small children for talking about a bug makes me surprised that you're still allowed to post here. Learn some basic etiquette.
  17. Bungle (DayZ)

    release that patch

    This thread is disgusting. People come here to talk about the artifacts and they get flamed and insulted by a bunch of strangers. For those who don't know what it's like, watch this video for 20 seconds: It's like having someone scream directly into your eyeballs. The people who don't have this problem not only show a complete lack of understanding to those of us who do - I'm seeing actual hostility directed at us because we have the nerve to complain about it. This was a small and simple problem that could have been fixed in a day. Instead, Rocket is doing interviews and talking about dogs now. In the meantime, the game is unplayable for hundreds of thousands of people. I would guess that most of us have stopped playing the game. I know I have. And I'm starting to think Rocket may be way too inexperienced to handle a standalone game if he can't even run his mod properly. Eight days with no hotfix is unforgivable.