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R Lee

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Everything posted by R Lee

  1. R Lee

    How long have I been alive?

    How do you know your character #? I've never been able to look at my leaderboard stats because you can't search it by name and I don't know where to find my character number. Is there somewhere to locate it?
  2. I've stayed alive a lot longer running solo. I don't normally go into the large cities, but I will loot the outskirts. I will intervene from time to time when someone is being overrun with zombies if the guy is using a Markarov and doesn't have a bandit skin. But normally I hide in the presence of others or nearby gunfire. It's just me and my shotgun, it's been working for me.
  3. I'm going to shoot anyone with any Legion tag anyway. All you guys are survivor killers.
  4. Once the bandit skin was announced, I said to myself "I'm going to smoke any bandit I get a chance to, they must be shitheads to have the bandit skin." Then something happened. While approaching a small village, I went into one of the 2 door shacks next to the road. Once I got my loot I came out and was shot with a revolver. I didn't see the guy so I rushed around the back which had a little yard that was enclosed on three sides. I layed down in the corner and got my shotgun ready. Sure enough he came creeping around the corner with his pistol at the ready and I shot him. He went down then I pumped a few more rounds in him for good measure. He did not have a bandit skin so I got a murder. A moment later I noticed "I'M A BANDIT NOW!!" I had a 2520 humanity rating before the incident and something like -660 after the kill. It took about 1-2 hours to get my humanity back, but I had to be extremely careful about being around ANYONE!!! I understand that the game can't tell I was defending myself, but it should give you the benefit of the doubt on your first murder? Not only am I now scared of anyone I meet, now I have to worry about being branded a bandit for defending myself. Is the current system ok with everyone, or could there be tweaks like, it takes 2 murders to be a bandit?
  5. R Lee

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    I played on two different servers earlier today and they both had under 100 zombies and no loot. What is causing this? (They were 1.5.7 servers and near full)
  6. R Lee

    DayZ Update 1.5.6

    Just played about 45 minutes and traveled thru 3 well known towns. Did not see one single zombie (50 player server, only 150 Zeds) and didn't find a single piece of loot. That has never happened before :(
  7. R Lee

    Bandit Video

    Not to mention ARMA's mouse smoothing is pretty crude. You'll never have the fluid feeling aiming as you have in other games. It's hard enough to hit those damn zig zagging zombies with a shotgun!! This is something I never liked about ARMA, the camera feels clunky at best.
  8. R Lee

    Bandits and Self Defense

    I think a simple forgiven state for the first murder of your character would do. I've played quite a while and have only HAD to kill one guy. I have seen many survivors and just went prone till they left the area or steered the other way. At least it would be something for the rare occasion where you can't flee and are forced to kill an attacker.
  9. I was forced into self defense when I took a round from a pistol then got trapped in a concrete walled yard. I layed down and waited. He came around the corner looking for me and I shot him in the face with a shotgun slug. I don't shoot people unless I have to. My bandit status is now gone and I don't want it back :)
  10. R Lee

    Bandits and Self Defense

    I wasn't anywhere near the two big cities in the south. I was minding my own business in a tiny village in the middle of the map. If you read my story, I was actually going to run, but when I ran behind the building I was blocked in by concrete walls on 3 sides. That is when I layed down and waited to see if he would come. He forced my hand, I had no choice at that point. I did't give a rats ass what gear he had, I was loaded to the hilt as it was. I'm just saying, one single murder shouldn't make someone a bandit.
  11. R Lee

    No girl characters?

    I would like to see more characters added. I'm not sure it's on the list of things to do, but it would break up the redundancy quite a bit. A female character would be cool. The bandits would have someone to try and sexually assault. (Don't think they wouldn't try either) :)
  12. I don't care how anyone plays, but calling 3rd person "realistic" is a stretch. Yeah, maybe first person limits your view, but 3rd person does the opposite. Where in real life can you stand behind an object and press your nose to it, yet see over the top of it and around the side of it? If people want to use 3rd person, who cares, but don't use the it's "realistic" argument. They are both equally unrealistic.
  13. I wish I had come to the forum earlier. I spent 3 hours gathering loot and avoiding other people. I had a compass and a map and tried to investigate a downed chopper and died :( I know to stay away from that Bobbechk dude a few posts up. He has a -6600 humanity. He goes on my shoot on sight list :)
  14. R Lee

    NON-PVP server ?

    This is why the whole ARMA community is so very tiny. The guy just asked a simple question and then all you interweb hero's come in here and start being pricks. Your a bunch of self diluted weasels that think because your can play a video game that somehow you matter in the world. The guy has the right to ask the question, take a hit off your asthma inhalers and stfu.
  15. R Lee

    This game ....

    Do you see any servers at all? If you do, click the filter button at the bottom and put "Dayz" in the host field. Mine just says @dayz in the upper right corner and mine works fine.
  16. R Lee

    This game ....

    Did you put "Dayz" in the server filter?
  17. R Lee

    This game ....

    You don't need a launcher, just modify the shortcut for A2OA. You must use the OA shortcut. Make sure you have a folder called "@Dayz" in your main ARMA folder. Inside that folder will be an "Addons" folder. All the unpacked Dayz files go inside that folder. Add "-mod=@Dayz" to the end of your shortcut and your done. When you get ingame in the upper right hand corner of the menu screen you should see "@dayz". You now know your loaded. Go to the multiplayer browser and put "Dayz" in the server filter. Nothing more than that should be needed. I also have a digital copy of Combined Ops.
  18. It's the only reason I bought Arma 2. I wasn't too impressed with Arma 1, so I decided not to get 2 until last week when I heard about this mod.
  19. R Lee

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Did someone say that people who play this are mature? I finally digressed and said "screw it" if everyone else is going to kill everyone then I'm going to kill anyone who points a gun at me. The thing is I COULDN'T DO IT. I accidentally came face to face with another survivor in one of the cites. Actually, I could have shot him in the back before he saw me, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I tried to back out when I thought I hadn't been seen only to have him circle the building and when I turned he shot me. I am one of those 40 year old, real world combat veterans and I just don't see how you guys get your jollies going around shooting people for no reason. I understand the fear of being killed making someone trigger happy, but shooting someone just to be a dick? Setting traps at loot points? I was even crossing an open field once when some guy alerted me on chat that he was watching me. Two seconds later he shot me with a hunting rifle. Stop kidding yourselves, this is no social experiment. Until you've been in a high threat situation you don't know what you would do. These killers are just getting their jollies the same way tkers did when Counter Strike came along. When they would turn off FF they would just block doors to be a dick. If it were a social experiment many of you could be classified as maladjusted nut jobs.
  20. R Lee

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I'm going to keep an eye on the mod, but I'm not playing anymore as long as this is so rampant. It really sucks to spend two hours painstakingly acquiring loot just to be shot without provocation. People shouldn't kid themselves, these guys aren't desperate for loot, they are just being dicks. I don't see any difference between them and tkers from any other game in the past. I really enjoyed the mod the first several days, I didn't see any killing and bypassed and assisted countless survivors. It seems like the Bandit skin became a badge of honor that all these assholes now want to sport. I really wish at this point that this mod was singleplayer or actual coop.
  21. Got shot again, minding my own business. Screw it, you guys can have it.... It was fun until this crap started.
  22. It's amazing how the gameplay has degraded in just 2 days. Before, even strangers, could hook up and play along side each other. Two days ago, if I saw you running with Zeds behind you I would help you. Not today. I don't know anyone else who plays this game, so from now on I don't want any strangers near me and I'll have to stop crossing open fields for fear of being shot from afar. It's a pity that this is what the gameplay has come to. I don't even worry about the Zeds anymore. PS: That Markarov sucks!! :)