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About Dr.Stallardi

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. It's not a happy one, it's filled with people that ruin this awesome game. They downloaded DayZ deathmatch by mistake. They murdered us for no reason, they didnt even have enough respect to loot us. The bus was not a trap, but a few hours later whilst looking for the last wheel since ours glitched, we were spam sniped.
  2. Traveled the airfield, no one shot at us. Either we got some very patient bandits that want the satisfaction only a satchel charge can give, or we're two idiots playing hide'n'seek with no one.
  3. Looks like the nurses are going to have some cleaning up to do. Thanks everyone.
  4. That's what we figured it was. It's just the 7 year old inside of us that wants to take it.