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About Gemtech

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  1. Gemtech

    Pending Update: Build

    I love you , have my children
  2. Gemtech

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    i get the feeling somehow it broke in v1.7.2.5 video is same issue i have observed
  3. ^thats correct , you could also update to then to 2.5 that seems to teleport you to the beach I highly doubt this will be fixed any time soon, rocket is off to pax, and dealing with the new game for now, there has been no update for some time and i doubt there will be for a few more weeks, rember he is trying to get standalone out before the end of the year. Although it is not official , my entire group is playing lingor , no graphics glitches , and as they are not official , the admins can make some basic changes to cars\guns etc, i have been having a blast and can wait. our map has 3 huey's , chopper battles are fairly epic so wish there was some form of dayz gun game mod, like every time you shoot you get a different gun
  4. Gemtech

    I have Had Enough Of This

    eject is broken http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/78410-are-parachutes-buggedbroken/page__hl__parachute
  5. Gemtech

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    i dont want to test this at all, i believe it is broken, not sure why the guy was willing to test it , first try he had a bunch of stuff he lost , other times were after picking him up, i personally dont want to risk loosing my beans testing it .
  6. Gemtech

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    we certainly tried stationary over 300m , insta death, can anyone else confirm, last thing i want to be branded is a disco'er id only do that if its actually broken, i actually died in a crash last week , i knew eject would not work so i just took it like a man
  7. Gemtech

    are parachutes bugged\broken

    further detail , i tested on 2 servers running (v1.7.2.5/build 95883) and another server forget version, seems other are having the issue , i feel that means if you can do a normal disconnect (that takes longer than eject) then it is not cheap
  8. Done some testing on a couple server versions , over 200m high , moving forward over 200m , moving forward , and vertically over 300m stationary (v1.7.2.5/build 95883) both times, eject from the helecopter = instant death (before hitting the ground) there was also a parachute with no body \ nothing in it floating to the ground? I need to confirm if there is a trick to it or if it is broken . recently a player lost connection in the chopper and loaded back in on the ground , now im happy to do a normal disconnect (not alt f4) but only if someone can confirm it is actually bugged \ broken. obviously it would be cheap if its not broken but i have 0 issue doing it if it is broken edited for further detial
  9. Please fix the graphics issue , or roll back to the patch previous too the issue , we have been patient and waited for long enough , i know focus has moved to the stand alone , but please
  10. Gemtech

    DayZ at GamesCom

    I wont be using the dog for this reason, id probally name it and get attached
  11. Gemtech

    DayZ at GamesCom

    wtf is gamescon, think he has tickets for the wrong event? anyway hope there is no barbed wire at gamescom ;p)
  12. the bug makes the game un playable , the fix did not fix it , people will complain, they will fix it , im anxious to play again, untill then lingor island
  13. Hi May be the wrong thread is there a way to search for "us 222" for example and see all the posts about that server? i just want to be up on news about the server i play on thanks and sorry if this is the wrong sub thread
  14. what was the latest patch before the graphic issue ? i may install that and see if any servers are alive , i think they will be disconnected from the hive but id prob rather play like that till this is fixed, in a group there is always one person who has it wherever we go.
  15. survivors around the world rejoice rare guns may be rare once again please rocket get rid of the artifacting , i can now loot the NW airfield blind, no joke both bunkers and the firehouse \ control tower with basically no visibility just using markers for navigation, please not another week like this people cant play the game