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About status_quo69

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    On the Coast
  1. status_quo69

    Rough Idea of possible player built communities!

    I haven't heard about this before. I'll have to do some digging on this, but underground bunkers would be a cool addition. Sort of like Vaults in Fallout. I think it would take away from a defensible aspect of the game. With bunkers, the players could just hole up and not really have to defend anything. Idk just my two cents.
  2. status_quo69

    Rough Idea of possible player built communities!

    Sorry I noticed the red text too and nearly went blind. I know Rocket has a ton of ideas, but nobody over at the Reddit site has really discussed this, and I'm not too involved in the forums around here (first post lol) so I thought it would be a good idea to bring up for discussion.
  3. Ahem Hello ladies and gentlemen of the DayZ community! I was just reading this (http://www.reddit.co...im_looking_for/) and noticed: "there's no interaction with the environment. If you could manipulate it somehow, build stuff (think minecraft here), grow your own crops, create barricades, repair houses and whatnot, then players will create their own goals (minecraft again). Societies could form, alliances could grow, bandits would finally have a reason to become bandits after all. Now, THAT's the kind of game I'm looking for!" (HIS QUOTE FROM THE POST) So how could this be implemented in a game like DayZ might you ask? Well the ArmA II game already has a commander mode where you can build structures like barricades, tents, vehicle depots, and other wonderful installations. The controls are a bit clunky, but you CAN place objects. What does this mean for a game like DayZ? Well since the game is going to be a stand-alone anyways, and not a mod by itself, I forsee some sort of ability to place buildings/homes/whatever that are somewhat interact-able. This would allow for communities of people to be born across the many servers, in completely diverse locations. I don't exactly know how this system would be perfected, maybe allowing 1 building per person or some set of rules/items that you need to get before you can build anything. Maybe the items act like bus parts, where they take up 90% of your inventory, so you have to choose between food and water and guns, or your shitty little house in the middle of nowhere. This would provide something DayZ lacks (at least in my opinion). A goal. Right now the goal is to survive, but once you've accomplished that, where do you go from there? Some players resort to banditry, others to helping other players out, and others do whatever the hell they want (read: walking). But with this addition, communities could be formed. Interaction with the environment becomes greater, creating a more realistic, living world. Suddenly, interactions with players become even MORE diverse than they already are. Hell, we're already seeing tent cities as 30 players decide to band together. This is just a step up. What does this provide? Well for starters, it provides the player with a base of operations. Somewhere they can come back and be "safe". That is, if bandits don't fuck shit up, as they are wont to do. That's right, have a city of 20-30 people with their homes and gear? Prime target for bandits, who (should) be able to destroy the hopes and dreams of all players by destroying their homes and stealing everything. That isn't enough of a challenge for DayZ? Have settlements over a certain size be prone to mass attacks from aggroed zombies. Don't have them aggro on the player, aggro them on the buildings (may sound stupid I apologize), that way they will attack any player they run into first. This will call for defenses, guards, hell a freaking military to prevent all hell from breaking loose. Now you are faced with a choice: go it alone and try to survive outside of society, perhaps loot and pillage, or join up with a bunch of other players trying to survive in the post apocalyptic world that is DayZ. Criticism is appreciated :D