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Everything posted by WhiteThunder233

  1. If your looking for a friendly team to help you thro the world of DayZ you have came to the right place. The only things you will need is a Skype and a microphone to chat thro the game. If you have just spawned or need blood we may have the supplies you need to carrie on with the game. There are currently 3 people in the retina clan. So if you want to join just comment on this topic or contact me thro steam (steam name:whitethunder233).
  2. If your looking for a friendly team to help you thro the world of DayZ you have came to the right place. The only things you will need is a Skype and a microphone to chat thro the game. If you have just spawned or need blood we may have the supplies you need to carrie on with the game. There are currently 3 people in the retina clan. So if you want to join just comment on this topic or contact me thro steam (steam name:whitethunder233).
  3. WhiteThunder233

    US DayZ Retina Clan Looking For Members

    Im From U.S.A New York i only speak english
  4. WhiteThunder233

    US DayZ Retina Clan Looking For Members

    Owner play style is more like setting up tents, find vehicles, ect.