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Posts posted by jinkhazama

  1. i juyst got globl ban for nothing can u please help me i love DayZ i play it every Day with lots of my friends from school so can u help me please i real wont to play DayZ please i love the game please i will do any thing i will give you $20 if a can get me unbaned

    Send an email to this address below with exact Ban ID. Money well spent mate.


  2. Its not the games fault. Arma 2 OA and Arma 2 isn't the problem, neither the DayZ mod.

    It's Battleye. The Anti-Cheat System who's banning people. Innocent or not. If you are innocent, you still have a chance of getting banned, and hackers have a lot larger chance of getting banned. But, still, the chance for innocent people getting banned is still quite a bit.

    I got banned myself and I did nothing, I don't care if anyone doesn't believe me. I got banned, and I was innocent.

    Have fun.

    It's ridiculous. You pay for a game and you get banned for not doing anything. We should Sue Battle Eye. I have never experienced this before.These people are disgrace for gaming industry. Go screw some one else instead of innocent gamers, Fix your code.

    • Like 2

  3. The address "<support[at]battleye.com>" in the "To" field was not recognized. Please make sure that all addresses are properly formed.

    Need a email address

    I don't know if anyone humane here is to help you, I am suffering the same ban, I have lost faith in this people. For now I can help you saying this. Replace [at] with @ sign in email address. I did this and got no reply. I just got banned as well. This is pathetic.
