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Everything posted by panda_jack

  1. Okay I have been playing for about 2 months now and was going to start looking for a clan to join but i really dont know what kind of clan Im looking for. I can only really play on the weekends. I love to snipe and im getting better everyday i play. I use the AS50 in the day and DMR at night. i sit out in the trees in cherno looking for other snipers and bandits i never kill the noobs cuz i was there once and was fustrated. if someone can point me in the right direction that would be great thank you.
  2. panda_jack

    Traders and Traitors

    Sorry I'm just now reporting my trade with Byron but we met over the forums with a trade and been friends ever since and been playing ever since. building helis together and just havin fun. he even watched me fly my first heli and tried to land a heli at a nose dive! haha everyone messes up there first time. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65564-lf-svd-camo/
  3. panda_jack

    LF SVD Camo

    I am willing to trade my nvg, range finder, silenced m9, gps, and 1 satchel charge for a SVD camo.
  4. panda_jack

    LF SVD Camo

    Ok I can work with that
  5. Anyone looking to get rid of a SvD camo? I'm willing to trade.
  6. panda_jack

    LF SVD Camo

    Make that 2 satchel charges now and the silent m9 comes with 4 mags