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Everything posted by freejulian

  1. freejulian

    How did your most recent character die?

    Me and my friend got trapped in the platform of the smokestack next to the medical tents in cherno.. All we had were lee enfields and we were being over run by zombies. My friend ran out of ammo and used his axe. He got knocked out and the zombies decided to come after me.. They broke my legs and ate me lol
  2. freejulian

    Camo clothing

    Yah i just got the hero skin but still kinda want a pair where could we trade?
  3. freejulian

    Camo clothing

    Berezino? Ok ill look there
  4. freejulian

    Camo Clothing For Sale

    I can try and get some
  5. freejulian

    Camo Clothing For Sale

    I have an alice pack! A watch and a map!! Will you trade?
  6. Could I trade you a silenced pistol? For the camo clothes?
  7. freejulian


    Hey guys!! I wanted to know if anyone wanted to trade anything for an AS50 + 8 mags and a ghille suit? Just pm me if your interested
  8. freejulian

    Trading Weapons, Ammo and Ghillies.

    Where can we trade?
  9. freejulian

    Looking for a partner.

    Can I play with you? Im really bad and need weapons/ things to help me because I have nothing and im sick of dieing...
  10. freejulian

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Thats so cool dude!