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Everything posted by freejulian

  1. freejulian

    [The Cure]: An Introduction

    Hey dude! Im a medic also! Wanna play together?
  2. freejulian

    Traveling Medic

    *Traveling Medic* I'm providing a medical/assistance service to anyone in need. Supplies |Antibiotics|Morphine|Epi-Pen|Bandages|Blood bags|Painkillers| Food, Drinks I will also transport people places if needed Pm me if you need help.
  3. freejulian

    Traveling Medic

    Yah where are you?
  4. freejulian

    Traveling Medic

    Thanks man :D I will let you know you have a teamspeak? I'm already in a clan of my own but if we need extra help i'll let you know
  5. freejulian

    Slender Man

    I agree with you. DayZ should stick to zombies/the infected not creepy tenticle rapists
  6. freejulian

    Slender Man

    Knock you out lol
  7. freejulian

    Mercenary Group/Survivors for Hire

    Sounds like a good idea but idk about having bandits and survivors together.. But maybe having 2 different "units" a bandit unit and a survivor unit
  8. freejulian

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    Hahahah what if there was a Reddit Body Cleanup :D
  9. freejulian

    The ability to move dead bodies.

    Lol I would like to see a Ural driving through Cherno with a bunch of dead bodies in the back :P
  10. freejulian

    Found a missle launcher :O

    I found one earlier too instead of grabbing it i just shot it into cherno :D
  11. freejulian

    Free Heli Rides to people with mics part 2

    That was awesome!! Thanks man!!
  12. I added you im llama60201 i have sandbags
  13. freejulian

    What is the point of the M24?

    I like the dmr more tho I dislike the m24
  14. freejulian

    What is the point of the M24?

    The m24 is a more accurate version of the dmr and its bolt action
  15. Lol i kinda did when i saw it in radio chatter :D
  16. freejulian

    Is V now a kill key? POLL

    Thats never happened to me before.. :D
  17. freejulian

    Players killed by zombies turn into zombies

    That would be cool! But maybe they should come back instead when your body gets eaten by zombies after you die
  18. freejulian

    Camo clothing

    Does anyone have any camo clothing they could part with? I will trade weapons and such for it. Pm me if your interested or leave a comment.. Also helping me find some would be cool too. Like where to find them and how rare/common they are.
  19. freejulian

    Looking to trade wepons/Gear for L85AWS

    And a rangefinder?
  20. freejulian

    Looking to trade wepons/Gear for L85AWS

    Or can i get the m24 and the dmr mags?
  21. freejulian

    Looking to trade wepons/Gear for L85AWS

    Yo dude i have a couple of them can I get an fn fal? And some dmr mags?
  22. freejulian

    L85A2 AWS for trade

    Oh ok.. Um.. Then I have nothing to trade then i guess
  23. freejulian

    L85A2 AWS for trade

    Nah i dont have those but will you trade?