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Everything posted by yaq1yaq1

  1. yaq1yaq1

    BattleEye Globalban

    yeah i got Global Banned too it´s my second Global Ban on the same Account -.- the first time i got unbanned, but now nothing, no answer nothing the Battleye support must calles a joke they NEVER help you i wait 1 week for an emial from them Sad, DayZ is a good game but with Battleye - sucks this game only
  2. No one is banned for using non-hack programs (like Fraps, overlays, etc.), picking up or using hacked in-game items, weapons or vehicles, being on a server at the same time as a cheater, or other passive non-cheating activity. Therefore all requests mentioning these things as possible reasons for the global ban are ignored. <_<
  3. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    i use steam, but i run DayZ with DayZCommander and i patched the game with this launcher(it´s way better than SixUpdtaer) but wayne never buy this game again and end^^
  4. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I mean the idiot who says that everyone who got banned is a hacker, read first dude
  5. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    i´m not an idiot^^ i wrote a email and yes i made a performance in the configs trying to fix the graphic bugs^^
  6. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    GlobalBan#a609 because i updated the game and run to my tent -.-
  7. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    dude pls jump from the next brigde not everyone who got banned is a hacker idiot Battleeye a stupid AntiCheatProgram there are better one
  8. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    I Edit a file too trying to fix the graphicbugs I set something from 300000 to 100000 and after that i havent any graphicbugs and now a ban very awesome 25 euro for nothing i love this world^^ Sorry for bad english i´m german xD
  9. yaq1yaq1

    Global Bans for legit players?

    yeah i patched Build 95777 as well and played 20 min after ca. Kicked Global Ban Never used hack or cheating very awesome this third part programm Battleye Rocket should forbid third-part-software from this game xDDD Sorry for bad english i´m german xD