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About n_bro199

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  1. Just giving it a little bump. We are still looking for more members. If you aren't sure if the ZUNPC is right for you, hit me up on my steam ([ZUNCP] n.bro199) and we can talk more in person.
  2. Hello all, I was working on getting the clan that I am an admin of (DayZ UN Peace Core) [ZUNPC] and another clan (The Survival Union) on a mutual cooperation agreement for DayZ Breaking Point and DayZ Origins. I was thinking that it would be cool if we could establish a multi-clan group for mutual advancement and survival. I don't know how many other clans would be interested, but if you are a clan admin and would like to at least try this idea out reply to this thread or hit me up on Steam @ [ZUNPC] n.bro199. If you are in a survivor or hero group please send this your group's admin. We are mostly playing DayZ Breaking Point and Origins right now with a little bit of ArmA wasteland thrown in there when we get bored. Also if you are not in a clan but want to be, check out my post in the Clan Recruitment forum and you can check out my post about the [ZUNPC]. --Thanks Nate P.S If you have any open questions please ask them in this thread so that I reply and everyone can see in case they have the same question.
  3. You should look at the DayZ UN Peace Core in "Clan Recruitment". We would love to have you.
  4. Approved hit me up on steam [ZUNPC] n.bro199 or i'll talk with you later. today.
  5. As the title says the DayZ UN Peace Core is recruiting. We are trying to bring a lot of new members into our group after most of our group sort of slpintered between DayZ and its many mods and AmrA wasteland. Right now we have about 20 semi-active members with around 8 being active weekly. We are looking many more members to play DayZ Origins and Breaking Point. Here is some info on the ZUNPC, we are a friendly group of DayZ players who survive "one can of beans at a time" and also help out bambis and kill bandits when we can. We know that sometimes killing other players has to be done for the good of the group or because you just can't take the risk, however bandit kills on players who pose no threat to anyone will not be tolerated by the ZUNPC. On breaking point and orgins it is a bit different because all fresh spawns start with tazers and makerovs. However if the ZUNPC finds anyone who has killed an innocent bambi, that bandit's life will be ended at the earliest possible junction. Other than that the ZUNPC tries to help Bambis and friendly fresh spawns whenever they can with basic supplies and medical attention. If you do chose to join the ZUNPC we ask that you put [ZUNPC] in front of your DayZ name so that you can be recognized by other members who have not played with you before and by players on a server who know that ZUNPC members are friendly. The tag that will sometimes follow such as [ZUNPC] Nate [Medic], [ZUNPC] Bubba [sniper], [ZUNPC] Phantom [scout], etc. are completely optional and you can make create one at your discretion but again it is not required. Feel free to put the [ZUNPC] tag in front of your Steam name as well however that is also not required and is left to your discretion. If you are interested please just fill out the questions that I will post below this and replay to this thread.Thank you and have a nice day. In game DayZ name: Steam ID (How we will contact you): Best Role You can do in a group: Your time zone and/or where you live (When do you play): How well you work with a team (1-10): Favorite weapon (Why?): Why you think ZUNPC is right for you: What would you bring to the ZUNPC: Here is the link to the ZUNPC Steam Page: http://steamcommunit...s/DayZPeaceCore P.S Please post questions in the thread so that the answers can be seen by everyone.
  6. I am really excited for this! What will be the server capacity?
  7. As stated above, the ZUNPC is looking for members to join us. Here is some information and requirements. We are a friendly group of DayZ players who survive "one can of beans at a time" and also help out bambis and kill bandits. We know that sometimes killing other players has to be done for the good of the group, however bandit kills on non-combatants, bambis, or others who have already stated they are friendly is not tolerated by the ZUNPC. If the ZUNPC finds anyone who has killed one of the previously stated people, that bandit's life will be ended at the earliest possible junction. Other than that the ZUNPC tries to help Bambis and friendly fresh spawns whenever they can with basic supplies and medical attention. If you do chose to join the ZUNPC you simply put the [ZUNPC] tag in front of your DayZ name so that you can be recognized by other members who have not played with you before and by players on a server who know that ZUNPC members are friendly. The tag that will sometimes follow such as [ZUNPC] Nate [Medic], [ZUNPC] Bubba [sniper], [ZUNPC] Phantom [scout], etc. are completely optional and you can make create one at your discretion once you are assigned a role but again it is not required. Feel free to put the [ZUNPC] tag in front of your Steam name as well however that is also not required and is left to your discretion. The ZUNPC could not really give less of a damn about age, maturity and how well you get along with the group is much more important to us. To apply please add [ZUNPC] n.bro199 (myself) and/or Phantom ^.^ on Steam for an invite or post it in this discussion. We are accepting people who can fullfil one of the following roles, Scout (first one in, checks for other players and takes out zeds, also drives any vehicles we find), Assult ( Always had an assult/battle rifle and a lot a mags, if the group runs into trouble the assulter simply shoots the hell out of that trouble), Medic (should have more blood bags and morphine then ammo and is always somewhere close to the action just in case), Sniper ( Keeps the group safe at a range, will usually have a second sniper with him/her to spot and keep zeds away), Engineer (In charge of repairing vehicles and setting tank traps, bear traps, and barbed wire if the situation arises), Light Machine Gunner(LMG) (Uses 100-200 round mags to mow down hoards of zombies or pin down bandit groups) Zed Whistler (Uses a loud assult/battle rifle/LMG (FN FAL, AKM, M240 to draw zeds of fellow survivors to take them into a building and gun them down), Specialist (has some medical and industrial supplies as well as STANG, AK, and DMR ammo for fellow group members), Medium Range Marksman(MRM) ( Stays in between the snipers and assulters with M16A4 ACOG, L85A2, or DMR and can give a greater volume of covering fire for the group). Also please send the following information to apply: Steam name (Not needed if you apply through Steam): In game DayZ name: Best Role You can do in a group (Out of the ones stated above): Your time zone and/or where you live: How well you work with a team (1-10): Favorite weapon (Why): Can you drive cars/fly helis well: Why you think ZUNPC is right for you: What would you bring to the ZUNPC: Here is the link to the ZUNPC Steam Page:http://steamcommunit...s/DayZPeaceCore Thank you feel free to Steam IM me with any questions you might have. Stay Safe and Good Hunting
  8. Well for the NPC's, I think adding opposing factions to the game would add a new level of complexity, and keep players even more worried and alert. But that is just my personal opinion. But I think that NPC gaurds are a must if you have player controlled clan bases. Because even with a big clan, there will be times when they are all sleeping. Then some lucky player with a toolkit could simply waltz in avoiding bear traps and whatnot and take what ever they want. I just think the a few NPC's inside the building that wont shoot anyone outside of the building unless a non clan member opens that door. But they would not pursue anyone just keep patroling the inside and only let clan members in.
  9. I asume that for the generator, you would need to find one and find the parts for it like a car. Also wouldn't the noise from that attract zombies to the base. Also maybe if you did a LOT of running around cities looking for the right parts, you could get a gun smithery going. You could take metal scrap and bullet casings and turn them into useable ammo. Also, would the radio be similar to the one in Fallot 3/New Vegas where you can just cycle through channels? If so, I think you should have two frequencies, one for advertisment and one for members. That way on one channel could be like "Join us! We have medical supplies and guns for those who support us." and the other could be like "All members of Clan A, Clan member 1 has spotted 5 members of clan B out hunting and scavenging north of Stary Sober at cords blah blah blah, any members of Clan A in the area make direct contact with clan member 1 on radio channel 6 (assuming that handheld radios with limited range are introduced) I think that would firefights a lot more common and put bystanders in a position of power to help which ever clan they liked more, or attack them both. Also what do you guys think about the idea of cross clan alliances that could lead to large scale wars over high value targets NW airfield here I come!
  10. WOW! Just reading this is filling my mind with all sorts of ideas. Although how would you identify people from your group/clan from a distance w/ out name tags? I was thinking maybe introduce a lot of different skins with camos from all over ther world like US Woodland, ACU, Multicam, MARPAT, and ABU, Chinese Type 87 and 99 camo, Polish Puma or Pantera, British DPM and MTP German Flacktarn and Sumpfmuster, Canadian CADPAT and CADETPAT, Brasilian Lizard and Caatinga, Austrlain DPCU and ERDL and maybe the different Finnish M05 patterns. I don't know if more or less would be needed. Also, maybe NPCs could be used at time when clan members are sleeping. Maybe if the amount of players from a certian clan that are on the server falls below 30% a fixed amount of NPCs who's armerment is based on the loot of the clan will spawn and take up a patrol pattern around the base. Who know maybe you could even have two NPC bases (lets just say American and Russian for now) at opposite sides of the map (SE and NW corners) that you could pledge your support to (for starting player you don't want to get into PvP) you could use their heavily gaurded base as a safe point and maybe have certian NPCs that you can interact with, say if you give Srgt. Killgore 1 full jerry can, you get this AK-74 with one mag. If you bring enough car part to make a car you can radio it in when you are in trouble, enough for two cars, you can keep one. Also the Russian and American NPCs could also go out and wander and look for survival objects and maybe do some hunting. They could get into firefights where you could pick a side, let them slug it out and loot the loser, or try and take them both out for double the loot. But there would be ramifacations if you kill them, the US/Russian would remeber the loss of their commrads and attack you on sight if they ever came across you or if you came to close to their base. I know that is a bit much but once I got going, I couldnt really stop. I really hope some guy really high up the DayZ design chain sees this thread and takes note, I would email the whole staff if I had their emails. Anyway let me know what you though of all those ideas. thanks :)
  11. n_bro199

    DayZ Group Phoenix PMC Recruitment

    Your Real Name: Nate Your Screen Name: In game Nate [MEDIC] email [email protected] steam: n_bro199 Where Are You From: Canada Your Age: 16 How Long Have You Been Playing Arma: About 2 months Did You Start Because Of DayZ: It was the extra push Do You Have Any Recording Software: Not that I use Do You Have A Skype: Yes but i use Mumbler for the most part Can You Be A Leader: Yes How Regularly Do You Play Arma: On and off dorm life can be hetic to say the least How Well You Work With A Team (1-10): 10 i work much better the larger and more orginized the team Why You Would Like To Join (4 sentences or more): I am tired of being killed by bandits for my beans. Everytime I get something good, boom, wooble, fall ,die. Being a medic, i go out of my way to interact with people that might need help but that is what kills me 9 times outa 10. I am looking for a group that i can actually help and survive at the same time. :)