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Pancake Jackson

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Everything posted by Pancake Jackson

  1. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Standalone NEWS - Features Released! 1/27/13

    Last bump guys.
  2. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Standalone NEWS - Features Released! 1/27/13

  3. Justins Freaking Fun Server Should I make this mod a 2017? I heard its more survival, would people join? Paradise Gaming has aquired its own DayZ server for its subscribers and fans to play on. This server offers a hacker free environment so you can play the game to the fullest and how dayz should be played. We will be running Gotcha Anti Hack and already has a community ban list of over 1300 players. Thanks for viewing this and be sure to leave your feedback on how the server is! To sum everything up. Basically this server is for people looking to have some fun! So hop on and go after 200 cars that are spawned!
  4. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Standalone NEWS - Features Released! 1/27/13

    Anybody have anything to add on?
  5. Hey guys I just released a video on all the new news on dayz standalone that was released yesterday. All the information you need to know is in the video! Be sure to like, and comment what you guys think! If you have something mean to say, keep it to yourself. No point in wasting your time typing something that'll be deleted :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nrl1eWjeIZs
  6. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Standalone Myths

    There's no telling this information is true either. Its opinionated, just cause you dont like what you hear in other videos. Also, you state: "No its not coming out in april" then say "it may or may not"
  7. Very true! It will be done much better I hope
  8. Thats actually pretty dang sick!
  9. Sounds sick, also heard something about zombies attacking cars.
  10. Do you know any of the features its suppose to have?
  11. Oh yeah, I also heard there is going to be a dayz update soon! Is this true?
  12. Do people actually listen to anything, I say its going to be released by April Is it that so hard to understand? Why the heck would rocket say himself that it would be out before April but still not be true? God, half the people on these forums are such coincided assholes.
  13. Yep, well see when it comes out. Whats your guess then? Hmm
  14. Source, http://massively.joystiq.com/2013/01/17/dayz-standalone-version-should-arrive-by-april/
  15. ParadiseGaming DayZ Server Paradise Gaming has aquired its own DayZ server for its subscribers and fans to play on. This server offers a hacker free environment so you can play the game to the fullest and how dayz should be played. We will be running Gotcha Anti Hack and already has a community ban list of over 1300 players. Thanks for viewing this and be sure to leave your feedback on how the server is! Why this server? ​- 150+ Vehicles - 10+ Choppers - Custom starting loadout - Over 5 helicopter wrecks - 24/7 Daytime - GOTCHA ANTI HACK - 2 APACHE helis - Sidechat enabled - Carepackages RULES: - No cheating and/or hacking - No scripting - No offending chat towards other players - No racism( If this is implied, permanent ban) ADMINS: As server grows more admins will be needed: DO NOT ASK for admin, but play on the server and you WILL be noticed Pancake Jackson: ADMIN/OWNER Spongebob: ADMIN Email: paradiseegaming@gmail.com if you have any problems and/or questions. Difficulty and Timezone: Regular | 3D:ON | CH: OFF| Nameplates: OFF| Timezone: EST IP: PLAY WITH US(: Youtube channel: http://www.youtube.c...iparadisegaming