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Pancake Jackson

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Everything posted by Pancake Jackson

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPscoYFthgI&feature=youtu.be
  2. Pancake Jackson

    Searching for a server? Look no further! I got your fix :D

    Cool thanks :D
  3. Pancake Jackson

    Up All Night To Play DayZ Parody

    Hhahah was really funny! Add me on skype and we can play sometime?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hPscoYFthgI&feature=youtu.be
  5. BUMP IT! Im Justin the other admin/co-owner! We would love to have you in the server(: You have a high chance of being featured on our channels! My latest video(: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ZihniuI1dNI
  6. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ swordfighting! Ha!

    Another video for you guys :D Leave a like if you enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZihniuI1dNI
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zu0HMAicPYY
  8. Where could one find the 3-D editor?
  9. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Zumba Helicopters

    http://youtu.be/rOPy3hqGH3s Tell me what you think!? :D
  10. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Zumba Helicopters

    Last bumpie
  11. Would be intrested, but im 17! Oh well, if you ever want some viewers be sure to let me know! I have about 1.1k subs :D best of luck to the series!
  12. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Role-Play Group: Now Recruiting!

    Are you still doing this?
  13. Pancake Jackson

    ROLEPLAY - TRP Return - Arma 2: DayZRP Mod - S02E12

    Been subbed for a while now! Interested in playing sometime?
  14. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Zumba Helicopters

  15. Pancake Jackson

    dayz how to be an idiot

    I commented on your video! Check it out :D
  16. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Walking dead prison

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrZ5And4neU Check it out if you like dayz videos! Feel free to subscribe :D
  17. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Walking dead prison

    Over 1k subs :D
  18. Pancake Jackson

    Looking for a video producer

    Interested, sending a PM now.
  19. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Walking dead prison

    He was the owner of the server, he is the one who built the prison! I can get the IP if anyone is interested ?
  20. Pancake Jackson

    DayZ Walking dead prison

    Everyone has their preferences :D
  21. Hey guys I just released a video on all the new news on dayz standalone that was released yesterday and when it would be released by! All the information you need to know is in the video! Be sure to like, and comment what you guys think! If you have something mean to say, keep it to yourself. No point in wasting your time typing something that'll be deleted :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pmDl7GGc2I&feature=youtu.be
  22. Hey guys! Made a video for everyone that didnt know about this yet! Check it out and let me know what you all think! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2meHFP1LLY