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About a_hernan01@yahoo.com

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  1. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    looking to join a clan!

    Been playin dayzz for about 2 months now. I know how to play the game. I'm interested in joining a clan. Bored of playing by myself. Im from the west coast. Anyone looking for members?
  2. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    looking for someone to play with.

    I would like to get to play with someone else. im bored of playing by myself. im from the west coast. Maybe try to get a squad of 3 guys going idk whatever works best. anyways, message me on skype: a_hernan01
  3. we want to join a clan and be part of a group so we can enjoy the game the way its meant to be. we have skype and ts3. we are from west coast and canada. add me on skype at a_hernan01.
  4. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    Looking for ppl to play with...

    im form west coast. we can figure out what server to get on once we get on skype. my skype add is a_hernan01. Im tired and bored of playing by myself.
  5. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    Looking for ppl to play with...

    im form west coast. we can figure out what server to get on once we get on skype. my skype add is a_hernan01. Im tired and bored of playing by myself.
  6. My friend and I are bored and we would like to get a group going. Add me on skype if you are interested. My add is a_hernan01
  7. My friend and I are bored and we would like to get a group going. Add me on skype if you are interested. My add is a_hernan01
  8. We are regulars and just want to play with other ppl cuz we are bored lol.
  9. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    anybody wanna play together?

    Hey wanna join my friend and i? we are pretty new to this game and want to get a group going.
  10. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    New Player looking for some people

    Hey wanna join my friend and i? we are pretty new to this game and want to get a group going.
  11. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    Nerdcore Gaming | Recruitment thread

    hey, i've filled out an application and went on team speak but no one was available to interview me.
  12. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    Looking for a bandit group?

    are you still looking for ppl?
  13. Hey I'd like to join your raid. Since I don't have a sniper I will most likely do the close quarter combat.
  14. Im bored of playing by myself and would like to join other players. Just have some fun. About me: 21 yrs old I have skype From California Have flexible hours Decent player
  15. a_hernan01@yahoo.com

    Looking for some more squad members! (US and Canada)

    I Cant seem to join your mumble server :(