11 Aug 12: On Login, US 1656, around 2000 CST I spawned on coast and had lost everything except Ghille suit. Zombie kills, murders & humanity has stayed the same. I had logged off near NE Airfield on Server US 1656 around 1530 CST. Equiped gear: SAW + 2 x 200 rnd belts, silenced 9MM + 4 mags, 3-4 bandages, smoke grenade, morphine, NVG's, Rangefinder. Tool Belt: map, compass, watch, toolbox, military flashlight, GPS, Etool. Backpack: AS50 + 3 Nato clips, 3 x cooked meat, 3 x canteens, morphine, painkillers, bloodbag, compass, NVG's.