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About PotentParish

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. PotentParish

    looking to trade an m240

    Jffr, I can offer an FN FAL AN/PVS-4 and possible four mags
  2. PotentParish

    I'm trading my as50 and m4 cco sd.

    Would you accept an FN FAL AN/PVS-4 for any of your wares ?
  3. PotentParish

    Trading lots of rare items for others

    Mistapa, I have a M9SD. I would love a ghillie !
  4. I want to swap my current SVD Camo and 2 mags for a different high-end gun. Post below with offers.
  5. PotentParish

    Trading stuff for SVD ammo

    I have 2 rounds of SVD ammo, what can you swap for this ?