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About BigWurm

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. BigWurm

    Bottled Water?

    Its going to really suck when they add diabetes to the game.
  2. This is not an easy game and thats where some of its charm comes from. Sometimes I try to think of it like any other FPS but you life lasts hours/days instead of minutes.
  3. I think the private hive serves a purpose now but not sure if it will after the full release.
  4. It's been better for me over the past couple weeks, last thing that killed me was a insta death on login and I think that's a bug not a hack.
  5. You got my beans, not for the tip (already knew it) but for not being one of those people who quit and then make a post about why you quit.
  6. BigWurm

    Humanity should reset at death

    When you think about it this game mechanic was added to replace the gut feeling you get when you meet someone. Looking at someone in real life you get a feeling for what type of person they are by looking at they body language, clothing and the person them self to address their threat level. It would be cool if a game to give you all of that but currently they can not so I think its a great way to communicate this to you. It would be a bit nicer if they could make it more subtle. So why keep it through death, well in real life when you die you die and cant come back. In this game you can and it is very likely you will go back to playing how you did in your previous life so for that reason I think they should persist the bandit stats through death.
  7. BigWurm

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    Software development is not always linear. The person working on fix A might not be the same person that is working on new feature B.
  8. BigWurm

    Battle Eye Bans 2000Cheaters

    I have seen less hackers over the past couple of weeks.
  9. BigWurm

    why are so many children playing this game?

    Hey you darn kids, get off my lawn! :)
  10. I don't even know the key you press to text chat in game, lol
  11. I might pop in and chat with you guys, I am 34 and also an in IT
  12. Its cool your going, I am going to stick with DayZ for now. We will see ya when you come back.
  13. Whats the normal time you play at and whats your play style?
  14. Very true, and a bit sad that things are that way now.