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NickM (DayZ)

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Everything posted by NickM (DayZ)

  1. NickM (DayZ)

    This game is fun again!

    Going out on a limb here...are you playing high pop servers?
  2. NickM (DayZ)

    I am a horrible person.

    Am I the only one wondering WTF that guy was doing clear up there and only managed to have a crowbar?
  3. Say what? I have hero skin under my ghillie's for 27K humanity. I guarantee you that I did not get that by "banditing".
  4. NickM (DayZ)

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    Maybe perhaps...
  5. NickM (DayZ)

    Are tents savable now on 2.6???

    Looks like someone duped your post. :P
  6. There's only a couple of kills I feel bad about-I guess luckily for me, I'm most ly on the receiving end of the shooting. :blush: First one was fairly new spawn-only have a hatchet. Run into some little industrial shed and proned out on the floor is another survivor. Holy crap!!! Instinctively swing, a little off the top, and there he is laying there bleeding out...dammit, didn't mean to do that. The other time was a week or so later, fresh spawn again, have ahatchet and a 1911. I and another random are sweeping Kamenka when he gets swarmed and appears unable to get them off. I rush in hatchet swinging...dammit again. I tried. A week ago, I ran into a barn just south of NWAF with 3000 blood, the gray shakes, and run towardds a back wall. Turn and look across and there is another bushwookie opposite me. Crap! Already have the G17 up. We look at each other for a bit, he had the drop on me big time but had not fired. I witheld fire as well (he could have killed me by tapping on my forehead at that point). Get on direct and say "friendly". We chat for a bit, he tells me he's on his way to the airfield and asks how it is. I give him the rundown on lootspawns I observed and we go our seperate ways. No shot's fired...could have gone south, but the fact that he spared me changed what could have been a bad encounter into a good one. All that rambling into a condensed version: You never know how it will turn out. No wisdom for you though. That will be $25 plus cleaning fee for the couch.
  7. NickM (DayZ)

    Anyone from the West Coast?

    You have a home server that you primarily play on?
  8. NickM (DayZ)

    WTB MK48 Mod 0

  9. NickM (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    I hear a rumor that your inventory for Mk48 Mod 0's is down by one. I happen to have one.
  10. Do you have breasts IRL? If not, you need to turn in your mancard. *Shakes head about grief/needing counseling*. He lost, you won.
  11. NickM (DayZ)

    Mk 48 Mod 0 trade

  12. NickM (DayZ)

    I spawned naked and hungry....

    Happened to me twice this weekend. Lost everything...twice. Nothing like starting on the beach with no pack or anything.
  13. NickM (DayZ)

    Am I Cheating/Hacking

    I've been doing it lately because the server I have a camp at has been laggy as fuck lately. Untill I can find another tent(s) to set up on a good server, I will continue to do this. Just need a place to move my crap.
  14. I could swear that I have seen this on a YouTube video: While in first person (not the map), the user could zoom the moving map on the GPS out to see a larger area. As it is, the 20 meters or so is a little constraining. Anyone know how to zoom it out?
  15. NickM (DayZ)

    stagnard SD ammo

    I usually find it around 3 to1 with normal Stanags. IOW, in any place with 4 Stanags, one will be SD.
  16. NickM (DayZ)

    Really Part 2

    OP: how much did you pay for the DayZ mod? Simple question.
  17. NickM (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    You know that M9 and M9SD mags will work in the G17, right?
  18. NickM (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Giveaway

    Current loadout: M14/PDW/GPS/Binos. Dream loadout: DMR/M14/M9SD/Rangfinders/NVG's/GPS.
  19. NickM (DayZ)

    Wolf Armouries - Store

    Willing to sweeten my previous offer-how about a PDW AND a G17 for an M9SD?
  20. NickM (DayZ)

    Bandit needing help to become a hero

    Obviously you need to let the bad blood out. I'm sure lots here would be perfectly willing to help you with that one...
  21. NickM (DayZ)

    Our current vehicle stash

    So you appear to be fairly familiar with operating the scripts there, kid. What else do your scripts do? And what are the other commands you run? I for one was completely in the dark about what the commands actually look like from the hacker's end. Thanks for enlightening us all....hacker.
  22. NickM (DayZ)

    M4/G17 vs AKM/M9SD

    M4 and M9SD...if I had to pick one of your choices, however, I guess I would go M4 with G17. Reason being ammo for both is easier to find.
  23. NickM (DayZ)

    [Trade] Looking for Assault Rifle

    I have an M4A1 CCO (not the SD) with two Stanags+a partial SD Stanag. Stanags are MUCH easier to finad than FAL mags. LMK
  24. NickM (DayZ)

    For Trade - M107

    Want a PDW w/1 mag for that M9SD?