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famas (DayZ)

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About famas (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Thanks to Suspenseol for his help. I would request the admins to close this post as the issue has been resolved.
  2. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Forgive me. I am new to the game, and the only guns i have tried are the enfield, double barrel shotgun and some pistols. I wanted to try the other ones, especially the FAL.
  3. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    My DayZ is working. You can go ahead and troll other posts now.
  4. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Thanks. I am aware the Battleye is different, but it seems like this is an issue with the way guids are reported to DayZ servers.
  5. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Yeah thanks. I just checked it out.
  6. famas (DayZ)

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Thanks. It works :D.
  7. Hey, I was playing DayZ with 3 of my friends a week ago. 2 of us including me, had found some modded files which we put into our dayz folder to spawn weapons on our private server. But after running the scripts, we 2 were banned even though it was a private server which I had assumed to be safe. Anyway, the ban carried on to all public servers and I could not find any server I could play on. I didn't feel like buying another game, but today I took the plunge and bought another copy on a new account that I made. I tried running the game, but I am still banned on my new account. How can I fix this? I would appreciate any help that I could get from you guys. PS: If you want to make posts like "fu hacker", "go play cod" stop wasting your time. I will not respond to those. All I can say is I was trying it on a private server because I wanted to get the FN FAL. I had no intentions of running it on a public server and I was of the opinion that you could do whatever you wanted to in a private server, but apparently not.