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eris (DayZ)

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About eris (DayZ)

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    On the Coast

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  1. eris (DayZ)

    haven't played in a few months, couple Q's

    thanks a lot for the replies, much appreciated. I'll check out origins and will read about those changes I missed.
  2. Dayz was the first game I ran to test my current PC when I finished building it. (november/2012) Haven't played in a long time, tried it yesterday and it was much smoother than I recall. Was just wondering, were there many optimizations done since? also, I see there are many new mods available. are there any new mods with smaller maps that are easy to learn that you can recommend? The only ones I remember trying were Lingor, Utes and Namalsk. thanks!
  3. eris (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

  4. eris (DayZ)

    People who play 3rd person

    <p> shut up and take my beans.
  5. eris (DayZ)

    Thinkin about buying this

    I guess that would depend on what you mean by difficult to play. Inventory management was somewhat confusing to me at first, but a short video on youtube solved that problem. Once I had the basic knowledge to get around, I watched a few streams from more experienced players and that was a big help. My suggestion is to try low populated servers at first so you can get used to the map, good locations for gear, how to handle zombies, and where to find the essentials to survive (food, water, medical supplies, etc) and you will be good to go. I never played arma2 before getting dayz, but adapted rather quickly to the game. YMMV
  6. even tho its alpha, I am somewhat attached to my current gear, but getting rid of dupes would be worth losing it all, so I voted yes.
  7. eris (DayZ)

    LU6 Shutting down permanently on august 17th.

    your endgame suggestions sound fun to me