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Everything posted by pigdog

  1. Howdy all, I'm looking for a hacker free server to play on , just so feed up with them, teleporting around, blowing up buildings, having weapons I've never seen, PVP I can handle but I'm just so over these guys
  2. pigdog

    WANTED- hacker free server

    thanks, I'll give it a try
  3. pigdog

    WANTED- hacker free server

    Thanks, might give planetdayz a try , you never know
  4. pigdog

    Same character as my brother

    Smasht got this kind of fixed for me, its something to do with cdkeys in the registery, there's a youtube out there somewhere that a mate of mine say and we got it fixed, But it was Smasht that got us started, get your brother to log in to HIS steam on HIS pc and then run Arma2 and Ao to the main menu then you log in to steam on YOUR account on YOUR pc and do the same, I think as long as you both own copies of the game it should reset your cdkeys
  5. pigdog

    2 computers, 2 accounts, shares 1 character?

    I fixed mine, you may want to get your mate to buy his own copy, unistall your one off HIS PC and install his copy , when you run arma 2 and AO, as do when you go to install Dayz that should put the new cd key in the registery. we owned two coppies of Arma 2 and AO and it was our cd keys That got messed up, I got told to log in to my steam account on my pc and then run Arma 2 and AO to the main menu, then go to the other pc log in to steam on the other account and run Arma 2 and Ao and this reset the cd keys and we now have seperate characters
  6. I posted a while back but got no replies , I guess this might fall into the "too hard basket". I've manage to stuff my daughter and my characters by log into steam on her account but on my PC, now we share the same character, no matter what PC or who's account we are on. is there anyway besides doing a complete reinstall, as it takes me 4 days to download the games, to scrub one of the profiles/characters/ip address/ cd key / some folder I don't know what ?
  7. pigdog

    DayZ Commander Updating Issue

    Ah Ha !!! thats what you look like Josh .
  8. pigdog

    Joining club "Stuck @ Loading screen".

    Hey can I be noob and ask how to attach a link ? so want to clue others in on this fix
  9. pigdog

    Joining club "Stuck @ Loading screen".

    Glad to have been have service Hershel, can't take any credit though as this fix was started by someone else and I gave my beans to him
  10. gave you my beans, would have given you a beer if I could
  11. pigdog

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    Hey I found this one that worked for me , oh bugger now I can't add the link, what a noob, any way he directed me to download dayzcommander, do the updates, version tab at top, check all the boxes on the left, hide this and that, leaves you with all the servers you can join and you launch by double clicking a server left him my beans, would have left him a beer if I could
  12. got it , you beauty ! tried lots of other fixes but this one did it for me , will try and direct others to this post !!!
  13. pigdog

    Joining club "Stuck @ Loading screen".

    tried lots of fixes from other posts still no joy, guess that makes me a member
  14. pigdog

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    I tried this fix and no joy, next ?
  15. pigdog

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    ok please clue me in on dayzcommander, was loading through steam libary, but then followed a tutorial to fix another problem which has now got me launching from a short cut on the desktop to the arma 2 beta patch exe, I did have the worm dayz updater but that gave me the shits, couldn't work out what to do with sixlauncher so now I just update the beta from the arma 2 site and the day z update from the dayz site so love this game but hate it too for all the hassle but yep it is an alpha so I'll shut up , can't wait for the full game, Go Rocket !!
  16. I can't download the BE client for windows, get an error message, can't find progam to run this file
  17. pigdog

    2 computers, 2 accounts, shares 1 character?

    more info please, I'm having a similar problem,
  18. pigdog

    Same character as my brother

    yep having the same kind of problem , I posted earlier but with no replies. doen't matter what pc I use or which account, the character is the same only the player name changes
  19. Help ! I love playing the game and can't resist playing on after my mates have logged out which ends up with me getting killed and feeling bad that they have to come get me from the coast or wait while I make it inland. wish I could have two characters, one to use with mate and another for my own folly. One mate suggested two accounts, so I set up another steam account on our other pc, bought the games, downloaded, patched and yep I gan play on that account. Came home to find pc in use so I started up my pc, no mates on so I logged into steam on the new account fire up the game no worries theres the other character,played for a while , logged out, next night there were mates on so I logged into steam on my old account fire up the game only to find that my old character has been replace by this new one from the other account ? Any Ideas how I play from one pc and be able to switch from account to account so I can have two characters running ? I also tried having one account running on one pc and the other account running on my pc but both could't join the same serveras they are now the same character,