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About FIGA

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    On the Coast
  1. FIGA

    LU291 Admin abuse with video

    Posté aujourd'hui à 16:57 RE : À propos de ce qui s'est passé tout à l'heure... Hi kodabar (and others) sorry for my late answer and my poor inglish! Effectively we are not know like a team of "Band of Cheaters" Effectively we "teamplayed" on Opération flashpoint, ArmA1 and 2, and soon ArmA3.. Effectively we shut down the server when the last BoB member quit the game. Effectively we dont have to try to play on a public server like it was "private". Effectively we dont have to do that because we dont respect the "rules" of a public "server" and we are sorry for that... Why we do that? i try to explain: About the rules we can read that on Dayz site: "Persistent Server - Fed up of spending so many hours working towards a goal or finding supplies and then the server crashes on you losing all your progress? Well with the DayZ server all stat's are saved to our external database so where ever you log off, whatever you have will be keep on you next time you come back in. This means you can spend however long you want doing what you want to do. As long as you don't die during the night!" devellopers try to approach real conditions for more immersives sensations. But they cant allow players who have spent hours to runnig in all the map factorys for repair vehicules, to quit the game with them.. It will be more realistic, but it's not possible.. So, a new community of DayZ players appear: they absolutely not respect the spririt of the game by staying very far of the center of the map, respawning as many times as they can on all the servers they can, with falses nicknames, only searching for stole the work of players trying to make teamplay and explore all the possibilities that DayZ gameplay can offer. By shut down our server we want to try to protect us from that kind of players. Effectively we cant do that if we pay for public server and not "private".. So, you absolutely right kodabar, but anyway, when i see the "reports" on DayZ site and when i read the term of "blacklist", i am very happy to not be jude living in 1940.. Cheers figa