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Everything posted by C.duck305

  1. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    My server is looking pretty successful, I appreciate the tip but not necessary. Also, finally got updated to so if anyone wants to come hop on you are welcome to. =)
  2. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Gentleman, I appreciate the bumps... But I think I can do it on my own. Thanks =)
  3. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Changed the in game map a bit.
  4. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Added lights to houses, a excelsior bridge to skalisty, A few safezones, and currently working on AI missions.
  5. C.duck305

    looking for a new server

    I am aware that you said vanilla servers, but if you decide at any point to give Epoch a try come and check us out at Epic Epoch. http://dayzepicepoch.enjin.com/home
  6. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Adding self blood bagging right this second.
  7. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Still plenty of room for people to occupy ;)
  8. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    It was good to see a bunch of new names last night. Hope to see some more today.
  9. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Z.E.R.T M3gaGl1tch Just a heads up, there will be a manual server restart in 5 minutes.
  10. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Yes it is, just type in Epic Epoch or the linked server IP and it should direct you to the server :)
  11. C.duck305

    Epic Epoch Private Server

    Already have some consistent players, would love to have more :)
  12. Me and my buddy made a new chernarus server. We have spent the past week adding stuff in and touching it up. We are on constantly and always available via skype (c.duck305 & douglasnapoli). Some features: - custom bases (willing to make some for those who are loyal to our server) - custom events (The volume will jump up significantly during the video. Be prepared) - Extremely active admins (We are always willing to help) - Already have clans such as LBX, FYB, and MLP inhabitting the server - Vehicle towing - Auto refuel - LBX Town - Extra barracks - Heli crash sites - Limitted helis balanced with plenty of ground vehicles (We want to encourage base building... therefore, helis are few and far between) - Ready to use roadblock areas The server is 100% good to go. Right now all we need is for people to start playing and laying claim on it. As it becomes more populated, the clans will be on more constantly. Bandits and heroes and bambis are all welcome. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to message me on here via pm or post. You can also contact me on skype. Hope to see everyone soon. Filter: LBX or Lead By Xample - LBX UpRiisE
  13. Welcome to the TAS clan who has joined the server.
  14. 12 people on right now... Help us make the push to 20!
  15. Averaging 10-15 players at this point in time. Lets make the 20-25 push!
  16. Glad you guys are enjoying it. The events will start once we get 10-15 non LBX regulars on the server. Seems were closing in on that pretty quickly :)
  17. Working on a Skalisty bridge, should be in tonight. =)
  18. Me and my buddy made a server two days ago. We have already implemented several things to there server. At this point, all we need is YOU! Server includes: - Antihax - Custom bases (we are putting a lot of time into this) - Active admins (Very active) - Plenty of vehicles - Events (Here is one we did a long time ago as moderators )- Custom load outs - donator perks - Clan oriented (Bring your buddies!... Stay around long enough, you might get a base O.o We are here to have fun just like everyone else. Nonetheless, we expect to be spending most of our time keeping the server up to date and hacker free. If you need to contact me or the other admin our skype info is c.duck305 & douglasnapoli... (You may also message me on here via pm or post) Server Filter: LBX or Lead By Xample
  19. I have absolutely no interest in receiving help where it is not requested. Therefore, he is not doing me a favor. Nor are you. Unless you have something worthwhile to say in relation to the server, please stay off my thread. Thank you :)
  20. Currently averaging around 5-10 people during the day, obviously not horrible seeing at we just made the server. Hope to get more though :)
  21. Just added vehicle towing. Come check the server out. I guarentee you won't regret it.