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Everything posted by gnomebolt123

  1. Im looking for a clan to play with. I am 17, live in the United States, Ohio. I have played the game sense the mod was in alpha and have lots of experience with all the different versions of Dayz. I have been in contact with a SEAL mentor for awhile now and plan to enlist in the Navy after I graduate from college.
  2. gnomebolt123

    New Computer Specs

    quite honestly if you don't wish to build it yourself then you can get a great budget build from cyberpower for $600 to $700, probably fit in a nice 600 series nvidia card and maybe even an intel quad core if you're lucky. My specs: Intel i5 2500k quad core 4.2 ghz (Overclocked) 8gb memory 2133 mhz (Overclocked) 90gb Cosair ssd 1.5tb 7200 rpm Western digital Caviar black hard drive Nvidia Geforce GTX 670 Evga 4gb graphics card Asus Maximus IV GENE-Z motherboard I play the game at max with 1920x1080 it was around $1000 to $1200 for my rig, but for $600 you could easily pull off normal with a 1080p resolution if a gtx 650 or a gtx 660 isn't out of the question get one of those.
  3. gnomebolt123

    Creating a Survivor team

    sent you skype request, its gnomebolt123.
  4. gnomebolt123

    DayZ-game for MAC OS

    Dayz the game will be running off of a modified verison of the arma 3 engine so it will be running directx 11.....
  5. sure i would like to join! how should i contact you?
  6. gnomebolt123

    Last Resistance - Recruiting - Final Thread

    Age: 15 You must have a mic: yes (a $110 gaming headset) Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: yes I use team speak a lot. Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? No, I have not. I usually play with just a few other people or by myself. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: What is your Time-zone? At what time do you usually play? Are you well equipped?
  7. gnomebolt123

    2 man team looking for a new home.

    i would be interested in joining you guys, how do i contact you?
  8. gnomebolt123

    New graphic card!

    nice im buying a gtx 670 4gb pretty soon.
  9. gnomebolt123

    Looking for fun group to play with

    what times do you play? and what is your time-zone?
  10. gnomebolt123

    Looking for fun group to play with

    what is your current gear? how old are you?
  11. gnomebolt123

    ITT : Post your best gear yet

    hey dumb ass this is what a REAL load-out looks like, none of that hacked in pussy crap you're boasting about... http://s1148.photobucket.com/albums/o569/gnomebolt123/?albumview=slideshow Each of the photos represents one load-out (with the exception of the photo of the satchel charges) the one with the mk 48 mod 0 is mine, while the other ones belong to my friends. I just pulled there stuff out of there tents to show them off. We also have a lot of stuff i didn't show you like excessive amounts of ammo, food, medical supplies, and clothing.
  12. gnomebolt123

    Hive Down?

    same problem "wait for host"
  13. Age:16 Steam name: gnomebolt123 how long have you played?: 1 month Timezone: EST Equipment you currently have: Every tool in the game, MK 48 Mod 0 with five box mags, m16a4 ACOG with 5 mags, Ghille suit, Coyote backpack, PDW with two mags, m9 suppressed with one mag, blood bags, epi-pen, Morphine injectors, bandages. My partner who is 27 has the same exact loadout, only difference is he has an m14 aim and a AS-50. ​ additional info: I understand my age is not to your specifications, however I honestly can't stand playing with people my age as usually they are obnoxious idiots who can't grasp the way this game is mean't to be played (this isn't COD -__-). I am a very mature person which is why i'm currently playing with someone who is 27 and why both of our loadout's are high-end. However since he has work and can only play at night for a few hours it is hard to play with him a lot. So he has told me it would be a good idea for me to find a clan to play with since he can't be on during the day. I can be online almost anytime of the day as of right now because I decided to finish high-school through a online school, so I am able to finish all my work in the morning and be done by noon. I am not a socially awkward person, I just can't stand to be around people my age who are incredibly immature. Once last thing i am a very Tech savvy person, so I do things like build computers, graphical art, and video editing I use things like photo-shop and Sony Vegas Pro. I feel as age is just a number however I can understand why you won't want anyone under the age of 18, as most people that are, are not at the maturity level you wish to have your members at. However in my case I am not like this, so I would at least like an opportunity to play with your Clan. Thanks, and sorry if this is poorly written, it is 2 am in the morning.
  14. gnomebolt123

    Looking for people to play with!

    ya hey whats up i'm 16 and i live in ohio, I am on a lot and have a decent microphone (my gaming headset is currently in RMA and will be back in a few weeks so i am using my second headset which as an alright mic) i use skype and teamspeak, i have a lot of experience with this game, and i have a camp already with plenty of supplies. my skype is gnomebolt123 (should appear as "steve brown") i am very tech savvy and i just finished building my gaming pc a little bit over a month ago.
  15. gnomebolt123

    Need a group Of people to play with :)

    hey i'll play with you, im 16 live in the US, i have some pretty good stuff, alice pack, tons of food, drinks, 1911 with 7 full mags, akm with 3 full mags, im currently sitting in between electro and cherno on the coast line just lying in the grass logged off, reason is i just took out two guys and got some stuff from them, but i lost a lot of blood fighting them so im down to about 6000, so i don't want to move until i can find someone to come give me a blood transfusion, i have the blood pack and everything, if you want you can come get me and we can play together. my steam is gnomebolt123, and my skype is gnomebolt123 (should say "steve brown" as the results)