ok i did search and found that i dont think this has benn suggested my clan mate has set up a dedicated server for this game no the sever has two admins but in the last 48hrs we have encountered 3 hackers which have come in killed most of the players without being seen and destroyed all tents within the game, what can he do about this absolutly jack S**t, why your thinkin well without the players name he can not ban them from his server or even try to get these sad excuse for gamers globally banned. So after extensive thinking i think quite an easy solution to help contribute to catching more hackers is to implament a small change to being able to identify who acutally killed who, i know there is cause for concearn from abusive admins, but if it is only logged in the reports as to who killed who then the admins would still need to provide some other proof as to why that said person is banned. At least if we can try to identify the hacker then at least the admins have somewhere to start checking, ATM it seems that if you can work as a group like we are trying to do one person sits in lobby and the rest try to kill the hacker( not easy) then get then name/s of people just exiting the game and search from there for and abnormal reports. Feedback is welcome guys