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About ReconX45

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    Under a rock
  1. ReconX45

    DayZ lags with pretty good specs?

    Lol it dosnt lag with my comp, the only time it lags for me is when I join the shitty servers LOL
  2. ReconX45

    DayZ lags with pretty good specs?

    Sometimes it could be server lag or internet speed/connection. :)
  3. ReconX45

    Would anyone mind giving me a blood transfusion?

    Okay will do, i'll send you a PM in about roughly an hr 15mins and we'll go from there. ^_^ I can also spare some medical supplies if also neccessary.
  4. ReconX45

    Would anyone mind giving me a blood transfusion?

    Yeah I planned on playing tonight when I get home from work. LOL Its up to you if you want to tag along, its already fun enough having 2 ghillie suit snipers with a freelancing medic. XD
  5. ReconX45

    Would anyone mind giving me a blood transfusion?

    Im at the airfield and i'd be gladly to give you blood transfusion but I got an hr anf half till im off work. LOL
  6. ReconX45

    SVD NSPU. Hacked?

    That sir, is hacked out the ass lol
  7. ReconX45

    Changed start?

    And when you run into zombies, go crouched and alternate Q & E. :D
  8. ReconX45

    How well would this run DayZ?

    Nope you cant run it, its a Dell. :(
  9. If your running as a hero and kill a bandit are you deducted humanity?
  10. Ah okay cool, cause although I got the skin im up to 2000 humanity at the moment as I decided to play medic with my friends with my coyote (epic-backpack) that I found in NE airfield
  11. So I just finally got a hero skin for the first since playing Day Z for like months. I was wondering does the Hero Skin stay with my character after I die or do I lose it and restart with regular default skin and have to re earn the hero skin back?
  12. ReconX45

    Where do images get saved to?

    In-game screenies
  13. ReconX45

    Stuck under a building

    Im already updated abd ive logged in and our about 30 times and still stuck under house. :(