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About lilwestofsanity

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. lilwestofsanity Bad position saving

    i raped your sleeping body and dragged u to the coast
  2. lilwestofsanity uncatagorised changes

    they added a hero skin :3
  3. lilwestofsanity

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    yes everyone will be your buddy and give u cake :3
  4. lilwestofsanity

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    wtf are u talking about cod is fucking terriable bf3 much better imo and the ppl that snipe new players are faggots that cant kill someone who actually has a chance... anyways i hope u enjoy yur miserable life u fucking douche ^.^ p.s sorry for sny grammer errors usong a touch screen phone.[Warned - Ubi]
  5. lilwestofsanity

    Thermal sight needs to be removed

    someone has a case of the butthurts...
  6. lilwestofsanity

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    green moutain sounds MMUCH better for a camp besides zed spawns there its a great spot..
  7. lilwestofsanity

    Where do you live in Dayz?

    on some moutain with a giant tower i find it soothing there. very rarely players go there :3
  8. lilwestofsanity

    AS50 TWS (hacker found dead)

    keep it any gun found is fare game as long as u didnt spawn it in u will ne fine
  9. lilwestofsanity

    Skins dependent on humanity.

    woah looked at the hero skin second time noticed he looked infected bloody face pale arms coverd in blood wtf?
  10. lilwestofsanity

    Skins dependent on humanity.

    yup im just gunna camp nwaf till i kill a lot of bandits no one else need worry also maybe ill walk slong cost given blood and morphine i love the hero skin but the hooker dkin where can i get that 0.0
  11. lilwestofsanity

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    nice gun :P
  12. lilwestofsanity

    The Story of the Mountain Dew.

    im drinking it right i love moutain dew :3
  13. lilwestofsanity

    It's raining at Green Mountain.

    ... Thats why u NEVER go there same thing happend to me except it was some zambie with teeth showing and a disfigured face lets just say it raped my legs and threw me in the body pile (i hope yur safe svd i will find u one day)