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Everything posted by Highspiral

  1. Well, I understand their twitch reaction, but maybe you need to tweak your initial approach - FREEZE! - AND DON'T TURN AROUND! IF I WAS JUST GOING TO SHOOT YOU, I WOULD HAVE ALREADY. NOW, IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, ...etc. personally I'd rather be robbed this way, than just shot in the back with full auto AKM fire like happened once before. heaven forbid I meet another bandit, but If I do I hope it's you. (ick - that almost sounded amorous - don't take it the wrong way <_< )
  2. Tell us where you are doing this, we'll be right out to troubleshoot it for you and have you up and running in no time at all. :D Up and running.....jeez I crack myself up.
  3. Highspiral

    Be wary of helicopter crash sites

    I had an interesting experience like that. I was a fairly fresh respawn, little gear and not a care in the world. I found my first crash site! Apparently someone had pretty thoroughly looted it, and all that was left was an M240 and 3 mags. Having the same Idea as you, but drunk with the feel of that M240 in my hands, I stood in the middle of that field yelling WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! And spraying zig zagging zombies down BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH BAH! Waves of 'em! 'till running around, I got stuck on the wreckage of the chopper, was trying to reload as they came from 2 sides, I panicked, they busted my legs and ate me. I hope someone found my body In that field of Zombie corpses. I'll never forget MY first chopper crash!
  4. I volunteer to bring the popcorn to this thread.
  5. I don't think the "session lost" is the main problem. I think joining another server was what did it. I've been finding that just joining random servers is dangerous to the health of your character. different version numbers, battleye updates, possibly logging in to a server that has just been restarted, not waiting long enough at the login screen for things to "settle in", poor ping (not actual ping, but wating for the data stream to settle down - not sure of terminology here...) I've been sticking to a few "safe" servers - ones I've logged into plenty of times without a glitch. I keep notes in DayZ Commander. If I glitch out on login, that server gets blacklisted in my notes until I die and can test it a few times with a fresh character. If you die in the depug plains, once you successfully login, your previous body should be where it was when you last logged off, or for you're case - where you lost session. it will be on the server where you have now successfully logged in. I've only tested this once, but it worked. That's the most important reason to always know where you are with fairly good accuracy - in case you need to run back to your body!! Good Luck!
  6. Spawned near Otmel, ran west to that container crane and found out I didn't really have the hang of ARMA II controls or the slowness of the stand up / lay down animation stuff, or how glitchy action menu locations were... long story short, I aggroed this Zed - maybe you've met him? "Floats like a butterfly stings like a Bee, I can hit you from 8 feet, I'm Muhammad Zom-bie!!"
  7. Highspiral

    Finding a tent/vehicle to store excess items

    http://db.dayzwiki.com/items/468-camping-tent Note the spawn percentages. good luck
  8. Highspiral

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    If you're going to rhyme like that, we need a Colten Limerick, in the Limericks thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16129-chernarus-limericks/ remember it's 5 lines that rhyme: A A B B A Wee need Moar Limericks!!!!!!!!
  9. Thanks. I'll stick to all of the suggestions, most sound common sense. DON'T log off in a pine tree DO some deep breathing exercises in the lobby before mashing "ENTER" (<--- THAT one was probably my biggest error, some servers are slower than others...) I already use DayZ commander I Always check server beta and arma2 oa version before logging in check battleye version cross fingers.
  10. I needed to add to this thread, because It just happened to me again. A couple of days ago I had a pretty good loadout ( nothing special, but what I'm happy with say Coyote backpack / matches / gps / AK Kobra / G17 etc...) Saved some other good stuff In a tent (Way up north) and crossed my fingers it would remember I put it in... And respawned at the coast. (With all my gear whew!) After 2 days of making my way back diagonally across the whole map again, I realize my tent's on the other server that I play on. No problem, I'll just re-log. waiting for character to create Highspiral has been killed debug field spawn at coast (of course, at the physically farthest spot from my now decaying body) 2:30 in the morning (realtime) no time to run back. Starting from scratch is kind of becoming "what I do when I play Dayz" I'm not so much "Bitching" as comisserating with my fellow alpha testers. If I return to the place where I once spawned a few more times, I'm going to start looking like a sockeye salmon
  11. Would that be Urban dictionary entry #18 or #19 ? http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=quack&page=3
  12. You're post (Especially "*giggle*" ) says "I'm a girl". your porfile says MALE and you're responding to someone looking for a woman / lady / girl / female. picture says "woodland warrior" NOT "Warriatrix" I'm in that weird part of the internetz again. correction - there ain't no non-weird parts left. NVM.
  13. Never found a spawn of Dew yet. I found a couple in someone's tent once. I try to be white hat and all, but this was tempting. After long consideration, I decided to leave it. and I only borrowed that L85. I...I.. was going to return it but the server lost all my gear. :( I feel it was a good choice though. My conscience wouldn't allow a man to die of thirst, after all.
  14. Betcha he finds a nice 45+ yr old hairy sweaty guy who likes playing DayZ in his underwear in a vinyl chair, with some awesome voice altering software. I even see fingers stained orange with Cheetos. *shudder* Oh god I just grossed myself out.
  15. Highspiral


    you're sick. you need antibiotics. They're rare-ish (The first time i heard the coughing I was freaked out because it was so realistic, it sounded like someone coughing on direct chat, and I had been near some tents so I backed the hell out of there fast, then I realized my character just had "The suds")
  16. Highspiral

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    "according to Bohemia Interactive producer Jan Kunt." :huh: I didn't just read that, did I ? "We've always wanted to make games for consoles as well,’ added Kunt." :huh: :o I'm suffering from a case sophomoric onomatological humor.
  17. Highspiral

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    YES A yes vote is my way of Greifing the Greifers. that is all.
  18. Highspiral

    GDC Online Awards

    Not trying to stir the *poo* but I think all the frustration from the community stems from the err.... "fact" that we non-coders non-mod creators are under the impression that the dead soldiers and barbed wire objects seem like THEY ARE what causes the artifacting and also being discreet parts of the game, could simplyTM be removed, at least in an ATTEMPT at a solution. Maybe not all of them, but all the ones at one or two airfields as a test. After all, that's what an ALPHA is for yes? Now I know YOU have no power of influence over this, but if some Dev on a whim were to do this, and it doesn't work AT ALL ;).... Well then we'd all be willing to endure the "I TOLD YOU SO!!!" of DOOM. and possibly then we'd shut up about it. well, some of us. the nice ones. :)
  19. Not saying you did this, but frustration over hackers is i'm sure, what drives many an honest player to investigate, if not Join "the dark side" to "Even up" the playing field. And you start your post saying you got hacked pretty badly, so.... could innocent curiosity have killed the cat? NOT an accusation, but many a person has been burned by the internetz for "Just looking" kk? HOWEVER - anyone else use your computer? you might also have other non "hack" related trojans or keyloggers residing on your system unbeknownst to you. Gamers in general are suceptible to password / cd key theft. certain groups out there just want cd keys for ANY game given the ready black market of purchasers. Virus scanning is definitely in order. - Good Luck!
  20. When you haven't stepped outside the house in days, and yet you're tired of running through the woods.
  21. Highspiral

    Over this game.

    Welp, that brings us down to 1,154,088 registered users total. <_< :| yep. P.S. it's not a game. It's an Alpha of a MOD of a survival simulation of a hypothetical infected zombie apocalypse Imagined, coded, and graciously SHARED by Rocket. Who could have just as well kept it for himself and his friends. But he didn't. Thank you very much. (I'm going to go splash through some shallow water now, because it sounds so FREAKING REALISTIC when I do.) The end.
  22. Highspiral

    Edge of the map

    Cool, but I had to LOL at the pic. "We're going out of known territory, actually OFF the map!!! - hold on to your ass!" (friend reaches back, holds his ass) Okay!, I'm ready! ^_^
  23. Highspiral

    The standalone's direction.

    I think and hope it will head in a similar trajectory to what it is now, just more refined, complex, and larger. There are too many MMOs that are just cookie cutter copies of the same crap. Fallen Earth was interesting to play, but still fell into the same "skill and grind, craft and find" of every other MMO. WarZ .... UGH. it's one of those Warrock / Combat Arms style cheese-fest shoot-em ups. not even on the same planet as DayZ. The Mod has so many players because it's so different and people needed something truly unique. I hope it grows ever more distant from anything else that's currently out there. It's not development of a new game, it's the development of a new genre of game that's exciting here.
  24. Highspiral

    Pro Tips! Post Pro Tips Here!

    Hatchets: in RL, a hatchet has a pretty large killing / wounding zone, (sweep) and anyone in front of you if you swing it is bound to get hit. In RL a hatchet is only dangerous out to about 2 arms lengths. In RL, you cannot effectively swing a hatchet (Especially at someone's HEAD!) while laying prone. In DayZ A hatchet is actually a short range silenced gun. (no, really - it is. practice on a server with crosshairs enabled, the circular reticle is the impact point. there AND ONLY THERE! (I told you - it's a GUN!) The effective range is about 6 to 10 FEET. In fact it often seems more effective at this range than very close up. practice to get comfortable judging the right range. You can "headshot" zombies (Standing, crouching or crawling ) quite effectively while prone. As with all weapons, it's MUCH easier to hit a non-aggroed zombie, so with the perfectly silent hatchet, you're better off "Doing it to them before they do it to you" I crawled halfway across Electrozavodsk at night with broken legs, to the hospital to find some morphine and just killed every zombie coming down the sidewalk at me before they got too close, broke the window with the hatchet, (ughhh the noise - now I know the tin can trick) got my morphine, snuck over to the grocery store and whacked a couple more on the way, and escaped back into the hills. If i'd used a gun, I would have never escaped alive. And I still have 9885 shots before I need to reload!!
  25. Highspiral


    Oops... nvm thought OP said "SLUTTY BITCHES". welp, back to the internetz...