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Everything posted by Highspiral

  1. Highspiral

    I met Shane Walsh not too long ago

    you come and go, you come and go oh oh oh ...... (dammit, I wasn't quick enough)
  2. Highspiral

    I met Shane Walsh not too long ago

    Hmm... that seemed like one of the better written pieces to me. I understood every word. Detrimental, Obnoxious, Insufferable +3 misspelled "Thrice" -1 "for whom I hold the most hatred" would be better... but I got it But you've got my beans. Now as for Steak and potatoes, I wouldn't be casting aspersions upon his post - misspellings of "Ebonics", I'm, and "definitely" -3 Also, it couln't have taken an hour, to read it because he posted at 1:13 and you posted at 1:27 tsk tsk... If you're going to bust ass, you've got to do it from a more solid foundation. I've grown to expect more from you than this tripe. <_< I want better from you next time dammit!
  3. Highspiral

    If your a kind soul, PLEASE help us

    I've only ever driven a vehicle on an empty server. No matter what you're driving, they all sound like "Shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme.shootme" :P
  4. Highspiral

    How to hide a camp?

    This. If you've traveled the map extensively, you know the routes you've taken. Look out in a new direction, go somewhere where there is absolutely no reason anyone would go there and look for potential tent sites. you know you've placed it well, when you take 2-3 tries to re-find it (without a gps). Huge boring swathes of tractless forest are a tent's best friend. Never put all your stuff in one tent, or on one server. or in the same spot on multiple servers. mix it up, if you want some stuff to survive the glitches, people finding them, and servers going down. @ devildog - I once hid an ATV in a tree, nice and deep. when I logged back in, next day it was still there - bouncing around like it had 10 cups of coffee! If anyone was anywhere near it they couldn't have missed it flapping around like that. Apparently when it respawned at server restart, it was clipping the tree a little and it flaked out!
  5. Highspiral

    what happened to my character

    I was in a low blood, "passing out" state, and every time I'd revive I'd be unable to move, but switching primary / secondary weapons would "unstick" me. Like bandaging, I think doing a "fixed animation" type of action can cure stuck or glitched characters. Having said that, I don't relish another chance to experiment with that any further... ;)
  6. Highspiral

    Tired Of This

    Complaining about complaining on the forums - FOR THE WIN! Have a pepsi! (please excuse the fact that it passed through my kidneys first.)
  7. Highspiral

    Cooking meat in Fallujah

    What do you mean by can't harvest it? does it give you the message "you have to be in a forest" or some such, or is there another problem with harvesting it?
  8. Highspiral

    Tired Of This

    Agreed, although I'm thinking of distance In terms of "how many drinks will it take to get there?" NWAF is like 2 Cokes from the coast. B) Lee Enfield = Zombie aggro. Vehicle = Bandit aggro
  9. Highspiral

    Invisible Camping Place

    Someone finds Excalibur and decides to use it as a tent stake :facepalm:
  10. Highspiral

    Camping Tent vs Gillie Suit?!

    If you have the "intestinal fortitude" - carry everything out of the grocery store and dump it outside, move off a little ways (I usually just go loot a house) and when you come back, PRESTO the store will be full of lootspawn, hopefully (roll of the dice) it may have a tent. I've seen the fresh spawn be better than what was there when I first walked in. crazy stuff like 4 m1911's or 3-4 Alice packs. I've only ever seen one tent at a time in a store, though.
  11. Highspiral

    im here now steve borsuk

    First! (In an EPIC thread!)
  12. okay, dunno if missed it or they just voted, but I see a couple of older guys now. Whew!
  13. one vote @ 46-48 No freaking way that I'm the oldest guy playing this..... :o Born "In the year of Our Lord, MCMLXIV" My kids are older than the "average"... sheesh, when I played EvE we had folks in their 50's and 60's in our corp.
  14. Highspiral

    Lost everything!!

    Usually when you find you're contented with the gear you have and everything is going smoothly... Try to stick to the same few servers, don't just join random servers all over, use dayz commander and only join servers running the same version and beta, allow battleye to update in the lobby of the server you're joining, let your ping settle down in the lobby before clicking "join" I've been doing all this and it's worked okay so far. now, after telling you this, I'm going to go home log in, and spawn in the debug plain. and I'll blame you.
  15. Highspiral

    Meanwhile, at the office..

    Typical - guy in a ghillie suit caught duping. (hacked in copy machine obviously WAAAAYYYYY more efficient than tents)
  16. Highspiral

    Reliable servers for pitch a tent

    I, uh think you wandered into the wrong sub-forum for that...
  17. wow, you BOTH responded! LOL (troll - success!) The thing is, people are going to GAME however they please, and the nature of the gaming experience is mostly the ability to take advantage of opportunities presented by the virtual world, and it's corresponding suspension of reality. The fact that people log off when threatened by an untenable position is simply human nature. If people could vanish in real life when threatened by a thug with a gun, they would. (well, most law-abiding sane people) There is no real 'moral' penalty to combat logging, unless being called a bitch or a pansy bothers you THAT much. I think the silent majority of players would find that "keeping their precious pixels" outweighs the judgement of strangers in some nebulous 'virtual world'. Also, the argument about the value of one's virtual posessions being less important than the honorable behavior of playing 'fairly' is misleading. Although those posessions are virtual, and therefore esoteric by nature, they usually were acquired by no small expenditure of REAL effort on the part of the human player. That player reacting with his (her) natural nature of self-preservation (which extends to protecting one's assets and effort expended to acquire said assets) will do WHATEVER it takes to save themselves / their stuff. In a gaming environment like DayZ, there is usually not enough pressure from a defined peer group to drive the player towards honorable self sacrifice. In EvE, team play is different, group cohesion is crucial and necessary and players can't 'loggofski' - and those who shame their corp. will quickly be ostracized and kicked. TL;DR Someone holding an L85 etc... etc... doesn't give a RAT's ASS if you think they're a pussy for logging out when robbed - because to them your opinion doesn't matter. P.S. I regret putting /troll there - I want flipped tables!!!!
  18. Well, Obscura stated what he does, thought it was funny, and pissed a couple of you off without even being in game! You want player interaction and reaction, well there you go! You want to avoid that behavior, go play EvE Online - there's a 15 minute logout timer. Pansy? Bitch?.... please, at least try not to sound so bitter. :( /troll
  19. Highspiral

    good tent locations?

    Actually, Maniacmike who I was responding to answered quite amicably, agreed that this has happened to him before as well, and told me to "just keep plugging away mate" Apparently he didn't disagree with my statement, and was even encouraging... Thanks Maniacmike - I have some better "Gear up" servers and am contributing to one to enhance it's "staying power"
  20. Highspiral

    good tent locations?

    When I did this (seems logical) those servers had such low population THEY CLOSED. best way to UNRECOVERABLY lose all your gear is to have the admin decide it's not worth having a server anymore because nobody's playing on it. You're better off on a moderately populated server, or one you help support $$$ - than a random empty one. I'm just pissed because it's happened to 4 servers I've placed tents on so far. I even wrote a limerick. Highspiral is getting quite bent regarding the stuff in his tent He fills it with loot and what soon follows suit... THAT admin stops paying his rent >:( In the limericks trhread: http://dayzmod.com/f..._80#entry865670
  21. Highspiral

    Barbed Wire needs to go, or be fixed at least

    Have the ("scroll menu" ??) / primary secondary weapon choices thingy / Up already and it shows you "remove wire (CAT1)" (forget exact wording) in that list as an option, far faster / easier than getting that icon to show up in the middle of the screen. never had a problem with that working yet. I pull down wire whenever I find it now.
  22. Highspiral

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Nice, but I was compelled to "tweak" that Siggy just a bit: Hope you like it! :lol:
  23. Highspiral

    Worn paths in the world

    For balance, I'd want a rake or branch or some other tool / method to erase my tracks. Fair is fair.
  24. Highspiral

    Avoid [60+ Vehicles] Active Admin private hive

    this one? http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ top player is I>rakken, so sounds like this one
  25. Highspiral

    If you're looking for a FN FAL

    FN FAL's would be great if they had bayonets, or you could swing it by the barrel and beat someone to death with it...