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About addiction

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    On the Coast
  1. addiction

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Just played for a few hours and had this happen on multiple occasions. I was be a few buildings and then a downed helicopter and it was all the same....i kill the 5-15 zombies in the area and when i shoot and kill the last one a fresh batch of 5-15 zombies just respawn immediatly. i saw 2 down helicopters very close and couldnt make it to the vehicle because zombies just kept respawning as i pick them off. Alpha :(
  2. addiction

    Cant get into ANY server!

    same, i hope somehow, Rocket and the dev team wins the lottery or gets a bunch of funding to sit on DayZ and work it. Make them servers 10x beefier and that stability. mmmmhhhuuuh
  3. addiction

    Performance Drop; Hotfix

    yeah, same as all the rest. used to have 40-45fps, now after patch and hotfix have an unplayable 9-15 fps hope Rocket can fix this soon because i want to play and enjoy the mod but cant if my performance is shit from this temp patch i7 720 1.9ghz ati 5870m 8GB 1333hz ram