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Everything posted by M1911s

  1. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    well i feel like if its a hacked crate and you didnt hack it free game then........fuck morals!
  2. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    did anyone else find it?
  3. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    thanks for confirming
  4. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    just started play this week...and it s the first time i have seen one...theres no heli that i see....couple tents set up and that it. has guns and maps and ammo
  5. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    015118..is what it says on the gps.....is 015 the horizontal or vertical coord?
  6. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    i dont know exactly where but its server is us 928 or us928......sw of pavlovo
  7. M1911s

    theres a crate out here?

    idk? its got ton of items in itso i have been taking out and putting up tents on another server