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Everything posted by zanep0

  1. I get 'data error (cyclic redundancy check)'. ive done a fresh install, installed the mod correctly, checked the file integrity on both arma 2 and arma2oa, I'm running everything as an admin, i'm running windows 7 on a computer that can easily handle ARMA 2, (macbook pro early 2011 model on a windows partition.) and im running arma2co to run dayz. what am i doing wrong? ive tried everything. what haven't i tried?
  2. that didn't help. that's just a random forum member. sigh.
  3. zanep0

    "Connecting Failed" to many servers

    can you explain forwarding ports to me?
  4. when loading arma 2 CO, whenever i try to logon to a server, i get a redundancy error. ive done that file verification thing in both arma2 and arma2oa in the properties tab, but to no avail. im running arma 2 on a macbook pro with windows 7 bootcamp, and i have managed to get dayz to work at one point, it just stopped working, so i did a fresh install and it dayz still doesnt work. any suggestions
  5. I'm confused. how do i access the file you are referencing to
  6. i keep getting this error, making ARMA 2 unplayable, i get the bohemia interactive logo on startup, then arma 2 logo, then the bohemia interactive logo with fine print below it, then it crashes and gives me this error, i am on steam, it that makes a difference. I'd like to fix this without a full reinstall as it took forever to get it working the first time before this started happening. any tips? Edit: by typing -nosplash and-world=empty with the -mod=@dayz i got past the splashscreens, however under expansions, arma2 is listed twice. im guessing this is whats causing the error? how would i get rid of the extra arma 2 in the expansions menu on the main menu?
  7. i keep getting this error, and ive tried doing that cache thing on both arma 2 and the expansion, but in the expansion folder, arma 2 is listed twice. im guessing this is whats causing the error but i dont know what to do. any suggestions?
  8. zanep0

    need help with simple error

    yes im running windows 7, the error message is cyclical error(redundancy check) ive tried to verify the cache on both games, im running both games and steam as an admin.
  9. after buying arma 2 and the expansion today, i attempted to install dayz, before the install, ARMA was working fine, as well as the expansion. after an unsuccessful install of dayz, went to steam and deleted both games, to reinstall, upon reinstall, ARMA 2 doesnt work, but the expansion will. CO wont run either. it seems to be getting stuck on the second to last checkbox on before it shows the creator's splashscreen or whatever its called. i havent attempted to reinstall DayZ yet because i'd like both of the games working before i try to install it again. before i deleted and reinstalled i tried two mod installers, but neither were successful. what can i do from here?