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About CosmicMidget

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  1. All the guys who are against the removal have pretty much 1 argument: REALITY. Like "in reality this weapon will kill you in 1 hit". But in reality this weapon weights 15+ kg. Add a weight of a fully packed backpack to it and in reality you pretty much can't run with all that stuff. Games will never be close to reality anyway. So yeah, i sand by this: 1) Walk only. Shooting in standing\crouching position should be made increadibly inaccurate or make you fall unconscious or 2) Can't have a backpack while carrying 50 cal.
  2. Just make people carrying 50cal rifles: 1) WALK ONLY. No running. So they pretty much have to use vehicles to get to their spots or something, and that is much more easier to spot and much more rewarding to go to war with that guy. 2) Standing or laying only. No crouching.
  3. CosmicMidget

    Noob/Survivor friendly servers.

    The empty ones ;)
  4. CosmicMidget

    Ok guys I need a group

    So... uhm. How can i join the party?
  5. CosmicMidget

    Regular group of 2-4 LF team players

    Yeah, mature :lol: Have you seen your name history in steam? ^0DarkBlue ^0{^6NSNTP^0}Dub^2$^0tep ^9[^6GAYSEX^9] ^0<3 ^0Kukar<3 Post Apocalyptic ^0{^2NSNTP^0}^0Requyn ^0{^2NSNTP^0}^0Abunai ^0<3 PenisPower <3 ^0<3 ^0{^2NSNTP^0}^0DarkBlue *added you in steam.
  6. CosmicMidget

    New Players is looking for Companions

    Hi. Playing dayz for almost a week now. Currently gearing up stage. Steam - SoloME27. And yes, i'm russian. UPD: 23 years