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Posts posted by djshauny1

  1. Double yay!


    Anyhoo, on topic, it sounds from that post by Rocket as if they're making the devblog now.  History tells us that they take an incredibly long time so I'm gonna check back at midnight.

    yeah ill check later aswell mate lol


    im sure it will be great


    what time is it over there in rocket land? lol

  2. Offs, can you PM me about it if you're still concerned as I suggested before (twice now).  It was a post asking about Take on Mars on a thread about a DayZ devblog, it got removed, the end.

    Fuck mate im having a laugh. jesus fucking christ.


    You on ya period or something lol.

  3. Hi, can you use the PM function to sort issues like this instead of compounding the issue by making more off topic posts, thanks.


    When a post is hidden you're supposed to receive an automatic notification, I think it's having some issues since the hack though.  Should be fixed soon.


    TBH I don't understand your problem.  You seem to be hinting at the fact you've been censored.  You made a post asking about the Take on Mars release date on a DayZ thread and it got hidden for being off topic.  It's the only post you've had hidden on this thread.   You don't see other off topic posts being hidden because they are........hidden!

    Not they are not lol. This entire forum is off topic :D

  4. I wouldn't expect the alpha till 2014 at this point.  If they are releasing dev blogs again it means they have given up the 'mad dash' and are now working at a more steady pace.  Steady pace means normal dev cycle which means probably not for another year.

    they said the architecture is done. theres really not much more to do. the game is playable.

    • Like 1

  5. He did not say that the game was gonna be released a week later or such. If you would follow his reddit as well, you could very well know that he wanted/hoped to release the game in the 2 months after stating this will of hims.


    There was never a given release date ever..

    Did I say he gave a release date? No, i did not.



    The guy above said this date was fore a milestone and not a release and in this video he CLEARLY states otherwise. They have a date internally.


    Again, I know there is no release date, thats no what im saying.


    Please read more carefully.

    • Like 1

  6. it's also far from being just a "mod"


    Edit: FYI I'm involved with a few other SA games being developed as well as large A2 mods.


    Dayz is coming on in leaps and bounds. The time it's taken to get this far is IMHO very short indeed.



    Who said anything about it being better than the mod? My point is the game uses a ton of assets from previous bi projects so its not built from scratch as others suggested.

  7. I just want to say to all the people pissed about the rocket and co going back on the release dates and hating on the dev team:


    1. No 'date' was actually given but more of a time-frame of when they would like to release it (Well that's the way I see it)


    2. Why don't you go build a game from scratch, one with the same sort of scale, the same amount of depth, with as much content, with same amount detail and quality, and see how long it takes.

    The game is far from being built from scratch.

    • Like 1

  8. Haha, this made me laugh. "Why isn't the game out yet, it has been in development for almost a whole year???". We do get information about the progress every now and then. We actually get more than that. We have screenshots, videos, we know what they're working on now. The only thing that we don't know is the release date, because there isn't one yet and rocket himself doesn't know it either. The "community" getting smaller because the game isn't being rushed is probably a good thing for the game in the long run.

    No its because the game was supposed to be out last december. Instead of telling the community early that it wouldnt be released he just ignored the fact and said nothing. Rocket or BI should of released a small statement. Then he says, it will be out withing 2 months then backtracks on that.


    Anyone who says he didnt say that i suggest you look it up. but rocket himself twisted that the other day when i asked him about it and said sorry again.


    Honestly, he shouldnt say anything unless its concrete.


    Releasing this devblog will cause more anger than anything positive if theres no release date.


    he should hold it off until theres a release date, then release a devblog.
