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Posts posted by djshauny1

  1. There's honestly no sensible way for me (or any of the testers) to answer that at this point.


    For example, if I say that for me I've experienced really good fps rates on my very average spec system everyone will be expecting that, if I say I've had rubbish fps rates people will be fearing the worst and wondering why the devs haven't improved the optimisation of the engine since Arma2.  At this stage the game is in very heavy development so things change daily.


    What I will say though is that optimisation is an ongoing thing to my knowledge.  The server architecture itself will/should improve things and as they continue to add new features/gameplay mechanics I'm sure optimisation and performance is at the front of their minds but true optimisation takes place further on in development.


    Basically I've managed to answer you without answering you at all, I hope that helps =)

    So its terrible lol

    • Like 2

  2. Hackers should be punished and sent to an island somewhere, no internet connection. Just keyboards and mice. Their objective is to beat the shit out of each other until all but one are dead. Then we take the winner. Put him on a Twitch stream, congratulate him. Then hang the cunt.

    Because of hacking? Really.?

  3. Just waiting on the RAM to come back right now, probably next week, so I'll be ready for the launch of Battlefield 4 and if I'm lucky, Arkham Origins on the 25th, so I can max out all the settings.  I'm not expecting a big graphical change at all from Arkham City which plays smooth on medium settings on my current PC.

    Yeah. Im looking foward to the new batman. Will be interesting so see a different teams vision.


    And yeah you have had bad luck with your rig. At least its all getting sorted :)

  4. Yeah I actually got caught up in just having it be a normal PC lol I can play Battlefield 4 pretty well, some framerate loss here and there, but I think that is mostly just because of the beta.  People had alot of issues with it.  Overall seems to be doing fine as far as I can tell.


    I went to Tigerdirect in town here and they didn't seem to have the RAM in stock...I might sadly have to get my RAM exchanged and wait another long chunk to get it back so I can have get my full 8 gigs. If I was to return it today or tomorrow, I might get it back within two weeks.  Still trying to figure out what I want to do exactly.  Might see if Best Buy has any, but their selection of computer parts as really dwindled lately to make way for more mobile and laptop stuff.

    Glad everything is working ok for you mate 


    Enjoy :)

  5. Lets think this one through.




    Dean post one thing on Reddit.  Probably toke him 5 minutes.


    That is the only thing he has said in the past week+.

    How can you say that this is proof he is not working?  c'mon man.  you are killing me.  How the heck does that make sense in your brain?  You must have your reasons for thinking that a single post on a website is justification to say that the game will not come out for three months? It baffles me.



    Maybe you don't have reasons.  Maybe you don't actually belief in what you are saying.  Maybe you just want attention.  I have no fucking idea.  

    I know it wont come out in 3 months ;)
