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Posts posted by djshauny1

  1. rocket' date=' the latest patches are ruining the game

    im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

    But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

    Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

    Come on dude, its not working.

    Please put it back to a playable state.

    And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

    People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

    Thank you


    Also if you're playing it "for Fun" as you said because it's a video game.. then you're in the wrong place. Yes, the goal is fun.. but we're actually assisting in the Alpha process and that means it's not always fun. Most game testers don't sit around having a great time. Seems a lot of people bought Arma 2 expecting a finished product with this mod.

    Oh so you are here purely to alpha test and report bugs etc and have no fun?

    cmon dude thats horseshit and you and i both know it.

    sure you will report some bugs but the real redason you are playing is to have fun.

  2. You guys forget why we play videogames dont you?

    We play for fun, not the other way around.

    Im just voicing me concerns.

    Thank you.

    What ever happened to adapt and overcome? Is that saying too old for anyone to remember? Is it because every other game spoonfeeds the players to make it as easy as possible? I'm coming to this from BF3' date=' which I still like, but have become fed up with all the changes because EA listens to the whiners that constantly ask for nerfs to make the game easier. Use your brain, learn the game. I started after the gun was taken out at the beginning and I still think it's fun.


    Adapting is fine as long as its a fair trade.

    Its not at the moment and wont be until the guns and other balancing issues are addressed.

    And im not asking for a call of duty either. I loved the mod until this happend.

    Its ruined it for myself and many others.

    Anyways, im off to bed.

    Goodnite all.

  3. People like you arfe just sucking up to rocket because you just want this mod to keep alive.

    But with with latest patches its not the case.

    ALOT of people have allready uninstalled the game because of these issues.

    And dont give me the "oh its alpha talk"

    The latest patches are just terrible game design and execution.

  4. rocket, the latest patches are ruining the game

    im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

    But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

    Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

    Come on dude, its not working.

    Please put it back to a playable state.

    And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

    People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

    Thank you

  5. the patches put out are pretty poor even at alpha stage.

    and removing guns at spawn? the stupidest thing ever to happen in this mod and has ruined it for me to be honest.

    Rocket' date=' I got 2 small suggestions.

    1) You should make the hatchet go back in the utility slot, and from your inventory you can right click it to chop / harvest wood like you use to normally, or you can right click it to equip it as a melee weapon.

    2) you should do the same thing with the crowbar


    ^^ this is the reason I will always sift through all the replies.

    what? sift through them?

    do you like honest critisism?

  6. Rocket,

    you need to revert the whole game back to when you had guns.

    It was perfect and now is just plain terrible.

    It was hard enough before but the game now has serious balancing issues.

    Its unplayable dude.

    Im not hating dude i love the mod but lets be realistic here.

    And to everyone about to flame me with the alpha talk, just think for a second before you reply.

    Sure in real life you wouldnt have anything, but, this is a GAME lol

  7. Well every update causes more issues.

    Fix the real problems rocket instead of making more by adding features that are not needed.

    Spawning with no weapon, are you kidding me?

    I got hit ONCE by a zombie and had to sit through the ridiculous egg timer for what seemed like a lifetime.

    Zombies are still hitting through walls and they can also open doors aswell!!! Sorry but they are meant to be zombies, not ballistic misiles.

    Please make it so we have at least 1 magazine of ammo. Its just stupid to take it away.

    Im going to have to uninstal this because its become more of a frustration then actually having fun which is what games are meant for.

  8. People who want to play a SP version especially at this stage of the development completely miss the point of this game. Its the same as people who hack. They dont "get" the enjoyment most of us get out of creating our own little tales of joy and/or horror in DayZ and the fact that it is other people' date=' the unknown and discovery that makes the experience special. Not "skillz" or "haxing" and shooting everything that moves!

    Rocket you've done something special here and deserve much credit for it. Keep doing what you do. Especially with regard to how you deal with the community. People like you and Notch are changing the gaming world for the better. As a gamer of many years i thank you for it, its high time!


    ^^This Rocket


  9. am I the only one who's a little concerned about the Zeds doing more damage and having better vision' date=' when the pathfinding is still so jittery ?

    and how does the hiding from infected work? can we have some more info on that? at what point do you lose hoppers or crawlers? how do you hide from zeds that run as fast as you?

    and just to keep the spirit of the thread going, sorry but the darkness in the night is nowhere near realistic... even in the middle of the night you can at least see your own hands infront of you...


    you are not the only one mate

  10. Lemme preface this by saying I'm a software tools and test developer for a game company' date=' avid gamer, and have spent years doing tech support.

    Getting this game to run was an extreme hassle. Getting this game to run now even seems like a bigger hassle.

    Don't get me wrong, this game is fun, but the process to keep playing this game is almost as hard as sticking somebody unfamiliar with Linux in front of a Linux box with fullscreen terminal up and telling them to browse the internet there.

    Thinking about doing other things until the beta patch is released and coming back to DayZ then.


    It's hard? :D

    A lot of my friends that are playing this have low to medium technical knowledge. If I have to RDP into somebody's computer to help get their copy of the game running, yes, it's hard. It's also a huge deterrent.

    I totally agree with this.

    The amount of times ive had to get people to download teamviewer and get the game running remotly is silly.

    Needs to be simplified for the average user.
