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Posts posted by djshauny1

  1. meh' date=' nothing new for players, good fixes though, not enough reverts, we need reverts rocket



    come on rocket let us have a gun at spawn please.

    are you some sort of 5 year old GIRL!?

    Man up for the love of all that is good in this world!

    are you some sort of idiot?

    weapons hardly spawn.

    and man up? its a video game

    It was a light hearted joke, calm down big boy.

    As for the gun, Rocket has said "never again" or words to that effect I believe.

    dude i dont take anything people say on the internet seriously

    but as far as rocket said never again, where did he say that?

  2. meh' date=' nothing new for players, good fixes though, not enough reverts, we need reverts rocket



    come on rocket let us have a gun at spawn please.

    are you some sort of 5 year old GIRL!?

    Man up for the love of all that is good in this world!

    are you some sort of idiot?

    weapons hardly spawn.

    and man up? its a video game

  3. Not releasing tonight guys' date=' sorry - I learned my lesson after the 1.7.1 debacle.

    The bugs in the new system have been ironed out, but consequently the balancing is (again) all over the place. So tomorrow I need to spend some time adjusting the balancing, then we need to go through some serious closed testing.

    Sorry guys, disappointing I know. But this means that I'll be able to squeeze some content in while it is being tested tomorrow. I'm off to sleep for a bit :)


    good to hear rocket

    squeeze the makarov back in when we spawn will ya :)

    thanks for all ya hard work

  4. Sure its meant to change

    Every single game during development changes.

    But the thing that needs to change is bringing back a weapon to spawn with.

    Whats so wrong with spawning with a weapon? the game was hard enough before.

    Now, i dont want to take an hour to meet up with a friend only to be killed at the last minute.

    Its ridiculous.

  5. I think starting with a makarov should return in 1.7.2 or atleast something to defend yourself with' date=' maybe start with 1 Magazine, just lost my 30 day survivor in a store raid (zombies would not stop spawning) and everytime I

    spawn now I either get shot or eaten with no way to protect myself.

    In one instance i finally found a 1911 with 4 mags and while in gear got shot in the back, and countless times run into survivors with guns and just get shot, and for what my only bandage.

    This is not a complaint I understand its an alpha and things are worth a try, but im sick of all the fucked up people who shoot unarmed freshly spawned survivors who have NOTHING.

    P.s Thanks for a great mod, cant wait for 1.7.2


    I agree with this, a gun at spawn is needed. Why he took away the guns at spawn was not a good idea.

    Great post.

  6. You still thjought it was easy when you had a gun at spawn?

    no, it wasnt really was it.

    Now meeting up with friends is just to much hassle and you die or alert these super zombies before you meet up.

    im sorry guys but this needs addressing lol

  7. rocket' date=' the latest patches are ruining the game

    im not talking about the bugs because thats to be expected.

    But starting with no gun? you have got to be kidding.

    Then you go and totally unbalance the game buy making zombies more tough lol

    Come on dude, its not working.

    Please put it back to a playable state.

    And to anyone about to flame me and start alpha talk listen, its common sense not to do what has been done regarding the latest patches. Its broken and just wont work.

    People are allready loosing interest because of these changes.

    Thank you


    I agree with you and dont be bothered with rage awnsers, they cant handle different opinions

    thank you

    5 of my mates have uninstalled allready because of this and refuse to play until its been reverted.

    the balancing is terrible.

    why people defend it is beyond me.
