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Everything posted by djshauny1

  1. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Yeah :(
  2. djshauny1

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    Im betting the alpha wont release till next year. Remember what happened last time Dean went into hiding? Its not good news.
  3. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Did you get a new motherboard yet buddy?
  4. I give up waiting for this game after all these promises. He decides to do a dayz daily then just stops and has gone into hiding, yet again I dont think this game will be out this year at all. Its shady as fuck. This game wont sell well at all. The time has been and gone. Im done.
  5. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Ok mate. Let us know how it turns out. :)
  6. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    :D Have you tried building it outside the case just to make sure its not shorting anywhere?
  7. Im suprised to see that some of the hardcore dayz player have given up with the SA. Too many brokewn promises and lies. I see thier point.
  8. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Lets just hope its not the CPU lol
  9. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    That and a hdd if u can use one mate If that doesnt work take out the battery on the motherboard for 10mins, put it back in and try again. That will clear the cmos completely.
  10. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    As long as the RAM is ddr3 then it doesnt matter. Anything else wont fit however..
  11. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Yep. Try the SATA 3 port if you have not done so allready. Also, do you have any spare ram in the other PC you can try? If so take both of the new sticks out and try some older sticks if you have any lol
  12. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Have you tried different SATA ports and leads also?
  13. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Yeah lol Computers are a pain when something like this happens lol. I knmow you have tried the hdd in another machine but do you have a spare hdd floating around you could try? Just to eliminate the hdd problem completely.
  14. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Yeah try that mate. What header is the cpu fan plugged into? just to be sure.
  15. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Can you take some pictures of inside the case? Specifically the wiring etc.
  16. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Is the cpu cooler seated properly? Could be the cpu overheating and the heatsink is not making a good contact.
  17. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Let me know how it goes. If this doesnt work I have a few other things for you to try. :)
  18. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Ok flash the bios mate. But whatever you do, DO NOT reset the PC, turn off or whatever until the flash has completed and restarted.
  19. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    yes mate thats right. once you press f5 make sure you save and exit. then try again. if that doesnt work let me know.
  20. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Before you do that, go into the bios and reset it to default. Then try again.
  21. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Ok mate let me know how it goes
  22. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Also try taking out the video card and just use the onboard hdmi to see if that helps. TRY THIS FIRST
  23. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Dude flash the bios. Here is the latest bios for your board. http://www.asus.com/Motherboards/Z87A/#support_Download_30 its in the bios section Z87-A (BIOS 1405) Now of course you will need a usb stick to do this and will have to boot into the bios (usually thye DEL key) at startup and look for the asus flash utility.
  24. djshauny1

    New PC Troubles :C

    Try just using 1 stick of ram. If that fails take out the stick and try the other. Could be a faulty stick.