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Everything posted by djshauny1

  1. At this rate the alpha wont launch until 2015 lol
  2. I still wonder why Rocket prefers reddit lol
  3. djshauny1

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    aint you so cool.....
  4. djshauny1

    Quick update for 4 December 2013

    So, when will it release?
  5. Whats the bet they will abandon all the new server shit and go back to polishing up the mod and releasing it that way LOL
  6. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
  7. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE SA
  8. djshauny1

    November Round-up

    The alpha wont release this year. I think ive lost interest in the standalone. Taking far to long and putting a ton of crap in the game that nobody wants.
  9. djshauny1

    November Round-up

    cmon dean, give us a devblog lol
  10. djshauny1

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    it wont be out this year. no way
  11. To many changes from what made dayz great imo.
  12. Ohh i see i thought it was completely finished. Thanks mate.
  13. I like how dean said yep, once that network bubble is done we will release and thats the ONLY thing holding us back. So, its done. Where is the game?
  14. HAHAHAHAHA Fuck that made me laugh lol
  15. To be honest I think you should jusat release the apha now if its playable. Isnt that what an alpha ands early access is supposed to be for? lol
  16. I know you are excited mate but this isnt the way to go about it.
  17. Thanks Dean. Looking foward to playing it next year.
  18. djshauny1

    November Round-up

    has funds ready in steam wallet lol