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Everything posted by Xardorian

  1. Ok so 1st off if u think none has approved than stop playing till its in beta? Second he is working on it.. gamescon coming up and all. Its not as simple as half of u think.. Rocket is working on it. He has the standalone that he needs to work on aswell as the mod,intevieuws,game conventions everything. If u want to see what he is up to or thinking about or ask questions Click Here http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/y4x6i/iama_rocket_potential_questions/ So to those who keep complaining. If u think u can do better work out your "ideas" and create ur own game...
  2. Xardorian

    Alpha to Stand A Lone game..

    Raging over a topic.. atleast act ur age people. Anyways for the Standalone Information: click here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/64335-dayz-standalone-confirmed/ Griff said in his 1st post: "You bought a game for a free mod, that was the decision you made. By the time the standalone is released, you will have 2 games (Arma 2, DayZ) for less than the price of Skyrim." So guess what! We all have to pay for the standalone. But its worth it!
  3. They need to put the updated version into the @dayZ map and use DayZ Commander instead of sixlauncher. unless they wanna keep adding those files over and over.
  4. Xardorian


    Found mine in one of the boxes... sometimes also spawn on the roof of the hospital... Started in kamarovo where i got sick and broke my leg.. crawled to cherno with a friend but none there did fix my leg though.. than ran to elektro i found 1 there... hard to find =/
  5. Xardorian

    IM A BIRD WTF!!!!!!!!!!?

    Think i readed it before ... Had to do with spectating mode or something.. Or illegaly downloaded arma versions...
  6. Xardorian

    SIX Updater or Play with six?

    DayZ commander... using it for about 5 days now.. WORKS GREAT!!!
  7. Not bad at all love the idea. 1 problem though. Looted a rare chopper crash. Got kick ass gear. Maybe find another 2 or 3 choppers and able to take it... Yay fully new rare gear...So now what? lets head to the coast and kill newbies...It will put alot of new cool stuff into dayZ but wont help the KoS the noobs on the beach problem. Also why not crashed trains? that can be repaired and used for transport... or just a crashed train with tons of zombies around it and some good loot. We got the railways but nothing on it. Yet the game is still in alpha stage... hope to see it all grow into the game we hope it will be growing in to... and not some cheap call of duty shootout game.. What i think would be cool is a new map around the dessert or one big city with shopping malls. Or just seasons in the map where it becomes winter and such with new items as winter cammo, claymore's, sandbags. Add in cash that u can loot from zombies or players. So u can sell ur gear for money and use the money to buy other stuff like for sample use it at a coke machine to get some drinks out of it, or a npc where u can buy some equipment like new hats or glasses, cammo suits. But like i said its alpha... Still alot to come and we can only wait at this moment to see what they will add in for our satisfaction. and our game addiction
  8. Xardorian

    How bad is the hacking situation?

    I dont think its to bad is it? Ive only seen 1 hacker that teleported me and alot of others into the air and we fell to our death
  9. Xardorian

    character customization

    What i think would bring this game to a new level is, Now u can choose between male or female why not put a tweakbar with it. Hair style,collor,skin collor,eyes,voice,body type (fat,small,muscles) u name it go all out on ur character. Add some extra's like tattoos or eye wear and bam ur own unique character. People will recognize u on ur looks and know if ur bandit or friendly ;)
  10. Xardorian

    Tactical Squad (Recruiting)

    Im 23 i been looking for a small group about 4 to 6 people myself. Want to group up but its more to survive as long as possible all togheter. and gear comes second.
  11. Xardorian

    Weapon Poll

    Revolver: Just love the sound and kick it gives when fired Lee Enfield: Ammo everywhere fair damage... 1 shot fired GTFO AS 50: Do i need to explain?
  12. Should have Trains in it =o Since theres tracks everywhere! or a horse to ride aswell. Or a mech walker =o nah thats over the edge... But trains would be awsome in DayZ.. fix a train go from village to village with a team loot back in train =o Epic fights over a train in towns or a car chace after the train. And for the whole new cars or bicycles. YES NICE but i would lower the bicycles spawns and pump up the cars. bicycles dont need anything as for cars u need to repair and fuel. So more car's, less bicycles and some trains. That would be awsome to travel around. Second thought... id like a mech too :P
  13. Xardorian

    Looking for partner(s)

    Looking for a small group to travel with me and my friend. Our goal is to keep alive as long as possible and dont take any risks when not needed to. looking four around a group of 4 to 6 people. Since we keep low and avoid contact with other players as much as possible. We do kill when fired upon or shoot when we confront someone with "Friendly"and he or she does not reply within 2 seconds. We aint bandits just trying to survive. So anyone intrested PM me and i will give you my skype or steam ;) if not. good luck in finding a team that will suit ur needs
  14. Xardorian

    Lone wolf looking for pack.

    Got skype? if so i hook ya up with me and a friend. Skype or steam? Send me a pm and i will give you what ever of those 2 you use so we can communicate. Edit: Me and my friend are currently at Elektro... So if u can find ur location and get close to Elektro its easyer to find you and continue with the 3 of us...Our goal is to survive as long as possible and not to draw attention to ourselves.. so we keep it low and only shoot when we need to or when being shot at. We also live in the Netherlands so we mostly play at 7:00 pm UTC/GMT +1 hour. Open for anyone who wants to team up.. Rather keep the group to 4 to 6 people.
  15. Xardorian

    Can i play DaYz

    Arma 2 free can use that do need the expansion like u said though. And tutorial i didnt do that... When game is installing i watched some vids on youtube and once ingame i pressed Z to go prone and looked in the controll options. Basicly all u need is in there. TIP! If u want a real surviving feeling, DONT use the maps they provide on the internetz. Wil give u a Where the hell am i feeling and wanting to find a map and compas so you know where you are. Game will feel 95% better if u do it this way and will enjoy it more.
  16. Xardorian

    Bad Version Server Rejected

    Download Dayz Commander. And get the last update from dayZ ( Can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/f...rolling-update/ ) U do need torrent for it though. go to your DayZ files. Bought mine on steam so might be a diffrent location from yours. Will be a map in there somewhere called @dayz or something like that (Cant check it 100% cause dont have the computer at this moment) Say yes to all files. This will replace the older files for newer ones. Launch DayZ commander choose a server and have fun. Why use DayZ commander? Well it looks like Six launcher downgrades ur version. Current version is and Six launcher puts u back to because it sees the new update as a wrong version thus it thinks its out dated Try it a few times. If it all wont work try it on diffrent servers. If u have it on steam try vertify cashe (go to library right klick ur game should be in one of the options. Yet again not at my game pc at the moment so cant check where it is exactly)vertify cashe on Arma 2 and Arma 2 arrowhead expansion. If nothing works i recommend to deinstall DayZ first and than fresh install it and see if that works, if not deinstall arma2 and the expansion aswell and reinstall the whole thing. If nothing works im out of idea's =/
  17. Xardorian

    Joint-Base Haven

    For now u should keep it on 1 to 5 servers than when u got the manpower, equipment and a decent setup u can go bigger. Dont think it will work if u go full scale right away. Build a team first that will help monitoring and helping you get the stuff you need. Think of: Scavanger teams for medical,food and weapon supply's and transport verhicles Guards for your base and ofcourse will manage your items: food,medical and weapon supply's Escort teams for helping the survivors getting there safe Scout team near the hill site to take out any snipers/bandits And a team that will keep the place clear of zombies If you got enough people to manage that in 1 server than think about going to a bigger scale.... Start small, Expand when u can and keep it simple.... No need to rush it all and having no overview at all. Also you got to have people close to you or people you can trust to make a safe haven on the other servers... Rushing to be in all servers you might be putting someone in charge of a server that KoS or simply abuses it all. So my tip to you: "Get organized than move out to big scale" And maybe on this topic u can put a list of people that help you and survivors can contact when in need of a safe place. Dont get me wrong its a GREAT idea for new players and friendly people that need help. Anyways, Good luck to you Sir!
  18. Xardorian

    Joint-Base Haven

    Good idea... But all servers? Good luck xD u will need it.
  19. Xardorian

    A future alternative use for tents

    Seems like a good idea. Put one up when need of shelter in the rain or dark of night. Put up a campfire, bring some marshmallows and sing togheter. Bringing camping to a whole new level :P
  20. Xardorian

    Stuck on Loading

    Well used six launcher alot in the beginning but DayZ commander just works better overall.
  21. Xardorian

    error message

    They seem to be the files from the last update u need to get the last update from dayZ ( Can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/f...rolling-update/ ) U do need torrent for it though. go to your DayZ files. Bought mine on steam so might be a diffrent location from yours. Will be a map in there somewhere called @dayz or something like that. Say yes to all files. This will replace the older files for newer ones. Launch DayZ commander choose a server and have fun. Why use DayZ commander? Well it looks like Six launcher downgrades ur version. Current version is and Six launcher puts u back to cause it thinks its a outdated version. Hope this is the problem and hope this will help.
  22. Xardorian

    character customization

    i mean more as in APB like can adjust so much to ur character.. rather what u can change here looks like the standart stuff. not just skins and such but realy adjust every single thing u dont like. Hard to explane. Maybe even create ur own logo's for T'shirts and such.
  23. Xardorian

    All servers unplayable

    Did u get it on steam? Try to vertify game cashe on it. Make sure u get the latest version can be found on forums here. Did u start arma 2 arma 2 arrowhead and arma2 co atleast 1nce? keep using dayZ commander works better than six launcher/updater. Might be hell atm to figure out whats going on, but trust me when u get into the game its worth waiting for ;)
  24. Xardorian

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    Delete the zombies! Add the PONY'S!.... DayZ: Pony Farm Simulator.
  25. Yup they saved my ass a few times aswell always alert and always fast into action to help you. GO MEDICS! Im the opposite of u however. Been friendly,did help people, dit medical help to people aswell. Only got shot time and time again xD before or after i helped them. So for me its screaming FRIENDLY no reply within 1 or 2 seconds im gonna make it rain slugs on the bastards xD