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How do we all know how to fix cars? Correctly shoot firearms? Especially long range rifles from 1+ KM? Properly give blood transfusions, morphine, and epinephrine? This list goes on. Why do us average 9-5 people have a backpack if we're just washing to shore? Flashlight? Painkillers? I doubt your average guy carries around painkillers and a flashlight everywhere, I think it's safe to say, in the current state of the mod, we are not your average 9-5 guy. I mostly agree with your ideas, but please think about things like this as well before you reply. Current state of the mod, this is simply not true. Maybe it will become more true with the game. I don't know. I'm sure you don't, either. I personally hope we do become more average, and able to learn how to do things properly by having a chance for things to be improperly done and learning from those mistakes.
Perma-identity. Nickname is permanent. Nickname as face. Cover face - conceal nickname.
Dartendal replied to DZR_Mikhail's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I agree witht he first part of this paragraph, but not the second. (The indication of humanity) For the time I've played (Fourish months?) when bandits were forced to wear that hat, and had the heartbeat when you looked at them, is about the time I started playing. In that time, I've almost exclusively encountered KoS, private hives aside. I believe the only reason it's different on private hives, is because of the servers with side chat. IMHO, humanity indicators will do nothing to help that situation. There's nothing to do after gearing up. There's no reason to be with other players, aside from defending yourself from other players, or attacking other players. There's no goal that requires multiple people. Everything you can do can be done solo. There's no reason to be friendly to people, outside of your trusted friends. Most of the time, majority is KoS. If you try to be friendly, you can end up getting killed, which I don't believe is wrong. But, there are no ways of subduing a person with a guarantee of the other player's survival. And if the person turns out to be hostile and fires at you, a lot of people will defend themselves. Just my feelings and observations on that. -
Ways you can prevent that are giving only one life. That's a bad idea, eventually then no one would be able to play because they died, Completely remove storage. Retarded idea. It takes out a lot of possibilities that the mod and game have. Examples being a trading post, storing essentials that you and your group may have found, player created 'safe zones' like a player run hospital and shit like that. And then, my personal favorite. The reason camps don't mean shit, is because everything is so easy to find. Weapons, food, water, etc. is incredibly common. There's no real difference in running to your camp, and running to an item's spawn area. Earlier in the thread, someone said your new character shouldn't know where the old one's body was. Well. using that logic, your new character shouldn't know where to find the good loot, where to avoid, etc. And that is impossible. You get better in the mod/game by learning with each of your lives. Also, camps can be found. They can have their things stolen. But it doesn't matter still, because it's easy to come across the majority of things needed to survive. If the essentials, and amazing items in the game are more rare, there will most likely be less camps, as there are less things to store.
Day Z should be a constant battle for the resources you need, not a constant battle for something to do.
Dartendal replied to Silent331's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Rocket isn't interested in a skill tree. I don't know about skills in general. If they were worked right, and carefully, skills of a sort could be implemented and possibly keep the feel of the game. But that would take a lot of time and effort that Rocket may not be willing to put into it, since he's not interested in making this like an MMO, in that sense. Plans for making it more rewarding to group up with people are already in the works, by means of making teamwork oriented content. Agreed, guns(Maybe) ammunition, food, and water should definitely be more of a rarity. But, you don't want to get too crazy on lower food/water, because then it might be too difficult to live without having to steal from other players. -
Then they can just aggro a zombie and keep transfusing. Not trying to rain on your parade here, but if you wanna fix that, you'll have to look at ways they'll exploit the system after.
Why not make Humanity clothing optional?
Dartendal replied to Dartendal's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I don't raid camps, and I try not to kill people. That said, finding ghillies and camo suits are extremely fucking hard. Look, this is the suggestions forum. Don't like my suggestion? Give me a legitimate reason as to why it's a bad idea. That's how things actually turn out to become good. Quit coming in here with "Just no" or "just play the game". If you don't like my suggestion and can't act like an adult with your reasoning on why, then don't post. -
Why not make Humanity clothing optional?
Dartendal replied to Dartendal's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
Don't shoot people? Then I'll die. It's as simple as that. -
Why not make Humanity clothing optional?
Dartendal replied to Dartendal's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'm not a bandit. I kill in self defense, only after I've been shot at. This almost always gets me killed. Why should I be forced to wear the bandit clothing when I have very little choice in my own survival? You shouldn't be able to tell someone is a bandit just by looking at them. If our community was a bit closer, say per server, we could identify bandits easily. Look at a lot of private servers running on their own hives. Specifically, the white-listed ones. You'll find places (Reddit, forums specifically for said server/server set) where the community for said server will actively post notices of who to look out for, things of that nature. From what I've seen so far, nothing has changed. The majority of the players still shoot other players on sight. I'm forced to wear a bandit skin, but I've only ever killed people who shot at me first. Because of that, by your explanation of how it is supposed to work, almost everyone would then shoot me on sight. (Hypothetical perfect world here, where the KoS has stopped) I don't go killing people willy-nilly. Yet, I'm punished for that. See my reasoning here? How is it the worst idea yet? Actually contribute or shut up. I don't play as a bandit. If you don't mind, look at my second answer as it will be almost exactly the same as this one. Also! I don't kill for shits and giggles. I don't kill randomly. I kill to defend myself, yet I and others like me are lumped into the catagory (Going by skin) of assholes who sit on the coast, in Cherno, in Elektro, sniping new spawns. If I want to change that, I have to change how I play. Is that not against what the goal stated here is? http://dayzmod.com/f...__540#entry9147 -
Hello! I couldn't find anything quite like this in the suggestions forum, so I'm making a new topic/poll for it. THE IDEA So, my idea is to make the present and future Humanity clothing/skins optional. Keep the humanity requirement to see them the same, but just make them optional. Perhaps through a new prompt in the inventory menu, something like that. Unfortunately, I can't think of a good way to implement how to access these options, so suggestions on that are appreciated. The reason I suggest this, is because I've noticed a lot of people are annoyed at being forced into wearing the bandit skin, for various reasons. Also, I think it would help the game as a whole, to further improve it. Suggestion Make the bandit/hero clothing optional, with the same requirements to get them as they are now. Be able to choose what parts of the clothing to wear(If more is added, aside from the balaclava and scarf) Simple menu to select this from, possibly from the inventory menu. Upside to implementation The people annoyed at being forced to wear anything should be happy. Promotes freedom within the game and possibly adds more for people to become more attached to their characters. Downside to implementation Currently, I don't see any. Thank you for reading!
So... By killing people in self defense, I get labeled a bandit. Yeah, I get that it fucks with your humanity, but what should I do? Just sit there and let the person shooting at me kill me? I don't see why, in a game that is supposed to be almost all player choices while in the game, I should be forced to wear something, even if it looks good. If you all play the way you seem to be saying it should be here, all bandits would be shot on sight, while survivors and heroes would be all fine and dandy. Wouldn't killing a bandit fuck with your humanity, too? Hell, the zombies. They're not actually zombies. They are INFECTED PEOPLE. They're still people. How is shooting the infected any different from shooting a survivor or bandit trying to kill you? And the way humanity is now, you don't know if they just got the skin from defending themselves, or just being douchenozzles and killing everyone they see. But, the above doesn't even matter. Because everyone still kills on sight, regardless of skin. I don't kill people unless they shoot first. Hell, in the entire time I've been playing the game, (About a month now) I've only killed 3 people. The skins don't do shit. In all honesty, I'd probably trust someone with a bandit skin more than the others. Everyone else will be working to look like they're not a bandit, and still KoS. I still get shot on sight by everyone I come around. The skins don't work to achieve the goal they were meant to. Instead, they just piss off the people forced to wear them, regardless of whether or not they kill other players for fun, or in self defense. And before you guys say (Again) to just put on a ghillie suit or whatever, keep in mind that, while playing legit (Not duping, or cheating to get your shit) It's actually really fucking hard to find other suits to wear, when not killing people. TL;DR Skins don't do what they are intended to do, and instead just annoy most of the people forced to don them. Also, I hate you. Message to Devs/Rocket (Hopefully this will get read.) Is it possible to get an answer on humanity? What is the point of these skins at the moment? Is it just to see if they work well, or are received well in the community? Is it to expand further on the humanity system? If it's to try and work out kinks like those above, then personally, I can get over it. And a suggestion: Keep the skins but make them optional, and perhaps later down the line, adding more for higher and lower humanity. For example, if I get enough negative humanity to unlock the bandit headgear currently implemented, don't force me to wear it, but give me an option to put it on/take it off. With more options added, you could end up with an entire outfit based on your humanity, but it won't be pissing off players. At least, the reasonable ones. And, anyone who's going to say "But the hero optional skins look cool! I want it, but I can't/don't want/refuse to do what it takes to be able to wear it! Give it to me now, it's not fair!" It would be exactly the same as it is now, only you're not forced to wear it, so get over yourself and work for it if you want it. Edit:May make a poll for this, to try and give an idea of the amount of people on the forums who agree and disagree with the idea, so you have less comments to sift through to get an opinion on whether or not it should be implemented, if it's something you're already thinking of adding, or decided to think about from my (or another's, if they posted it first) suggestion here.
What's wrong with using fonts? It's not hurting you. And what does being a girl have to do with anything?
I could get on board. I'd be willing to do anything. Skype:Dartendal. Steam:Dartendal. Or, just throw me a PM.
I don't understand... How is playing on a private hive not supporting Day Z? It's not like you're playing a completely different game. You have the same bugs and all. Doesn't finding and reporting these support the game? People playing the game supports it, right? Offering suggestions and whatnot? What they like and don't like? Don't all of these things, in some way, support the game? Thank you Tsyn, for making these servers known. So far, they're great!