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Everything posted by xXhumanityXx

  1. xXhumanityXx

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If any medics are online, i need a short medical rescue. i'm at 086-129 on the http://dayzdb.com/map#5.090.131;item=AS50 I need a bandage and a blood pack please. A zombie hit me, got me bleeding and ofcourse im out of bandages although i have morphine and epi pens, so if you help me i can trade you some of those as reward :)
  2. xXhumanityXx

    Screen Flickering

    So today, all of a sudden, havent happened before, my screen starts randomly turns into white, and the back normal, like in most games when an atom bomb hits the ground, and sometimes my screens starts flickering like crazy! anyone have a solution?
  3. xXhumanityXx

    Screen Flickering

    Hmm, using dual GPU's but not monitors
  4. Okay so i got this game yesterday to play this mod, but since i bought it i have had nothing but trouble getting it to work. So the story goes: I was able to play it when i first installed it, but i had HUGE stutter (rig info coming later), so i chose to reinstall the game, and after 3 reinstalls with admin problems and all, i finally got it to work, but now i werent able to join any servers, connection to the host lost etc. so i tried everything with uninstalling the Battleeye and such, and i finally could join a server again. At first i had the same stutter, i changed settings to everything low-very hight, tried everything, and nothing helped. I finally reloaded a server, got in, and i had this kind of wet dream when i had this 30-60 seks when i was able to play the game fluently! so i could now rule out it wasnt my system failing, but then it turned to stuttering again, and the i got kicked due to a ping of 9k! and when i tried to reenter any server after that i get that Battleeye isnt responding. So from that i can say that i have HUGE ping in that specific game, tested my bandwith with speedtest and nothing there. So can anyone help me sort this problem with the game taking too much for my internet???? Have a 15Mb connection with 2mb upload I have a computer with: Radeon HD7970 Overclocked x2 in CFX (have tried running without) 16gb RAM Intel i5 2500k 3.30GHz HELP!!!
  5. Even when i search for other servers ingame, i still have the same MS
  6. Currently running Arma 2 95777 and DayZ and manually installed the Battleeye from their website just a minute ago. Heating is fine 30-40c and dust fine, air coming out complete cool. Still i think we should stick to the MS problem, ingame its like 400-1500, in lobby 50-200, in any other games, 20-60ish
  7. My computer is by default connected to the modem i got from my provider. I am running the CO edition, which means both Arma and OA icons apear down in the corner. I also just contacted my provider and ALL ports are by default opened by them
  8. I use DayzCommander with the Close when launch option. Talking to a complete idiot as i am, could you explain me how i Bypass it? And as firewall goes i use Zonealarm, no idea how to setup the rules it normally pops up with a allow/deny thingie