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Everything posted by Rawen

  1. Rawen

    FR 130

    Hacker there, started when I shot him 20 times with ak, then next life 6 bullets to the head with m1014 and point blank, after that hes just teleporting to me everytime I spawn, and killing people all over the place. Hes still playing, as we speak. This happend from 15.30---now GMT+2. He also bragged about it to his girlfriend over direct chat. Sedat is his name, would be nice if u could ban him. If anyone even care about the game anymore.
  2. Playing on Norway 17, Covering a helicopter crash site, waiting for my friend to arrive. Near NWAF. Then someone lies down next to me, I was so scared i nearly pissed my pants, so i shot him. He died, so far no problem. He had all kind of equipment, m107, silence colt, ghillie and so on, After 3mins someone shoot at me with silenced colt. Again no problem. We kill eachother. Then I realise it was this guy Snooplion again. It happend at 19.20 (gmt+2) server time. Teleporting bitches and spawners should be banned asap.
  3. Playing on Norway 17, Covering a helicopter crash site, waiting for my friend to arrive. Near NWAF. Then someone lies down next to me, I was so scared i nearly pissed my pants, so i shot him. He died, so far no problem. He had all kind of equipment, m107, silence colt, ghillie and so on, After 3mins someone shoot at me with silenced colt. Again no problem. We kill eachother. Then I realise it was this guy Snooplion again. It happend at 19.20 (gmt+2) server time. Teleporting bitches and spawners should be banned asap. Nametags were enabled too. Sry for doublepost.