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Dirty Old Coot

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Everything posted by Dirty Old Coot

  1. Dirty Old Coot

    Kicked from every server

    Was playing fine for the last few weeks on many servers, now today I get kicked from every server I join, sometimes in lobby sometimes in loading. I have changed no files and everything is up to date, I get no error messages or battleye warnings/info I use dayz commander to launch. tried: restarting, reinstalling latest updates from commander, reloaded BE client, many different servers Any thoughts? would like to see if someone in game could see if they see a message when I get booted.
  2. Dirty Old Coot

    Kicked from every server

    Was a corrupted file, Teach had me log into his server so HE could see the error that I could not, did a cash check in steam to get it fixed~
  3. Dirty Old Coot

    Kicked from every server

    this is what happens, if I hit connect before lobby kick I get kicked before I can log all the way in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ae066K2Mf2Q
  4. Dirty Old Coot

    Idea for Stand Alone DayZ

    So.. I think it would be super fun if the stand alone had classes.. Every Class can do just about anything but only 25-50% as well, so classes are just a boost to that area and maybe one bonus skill unique to that class. Medic: 100% use of first aid items. Special: Defibrillator, resurrect player within 10 seconds of death. Single use can find more. Engineer: 100% use of repair/build skill on buildings/generators/fortifications Special: Starts with toolbox Mechanic: 100% use of vehicle parts Special: turbo kit, add turbo boost to any vehicle ( burns fuel x3) Soldier: Steady hand with all weapons & shakes less with pain. Special: Starts with Camo Hunting with a knife Average Joe: Hardcore Mode, starts with nothing. Special: Does everything @50% I would like to see upgradeable buildings and fortifications that can use repair/upgrade generators/power lines to hold a structure and light up areas at night, and engineer would be a boon in this area, also it would encourage team play of a sort and thus the medic would also bonus. You get the idea any thoughts?
  5. Dirty Old Coot

    Idea for Stand Alone DayZ

    So you dont like classes then? My thought about classes is WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU RIGHT NOW PRE-OUTBREAK? If you're on the forums daily I would think gamer nerd, so do you know how to hunt/clean/cook wild game? What if you play in your off time from deployment or in some branch of the military, you would know how to use weapons better than random stick fuck that works at McD's right? What if you're an auto mechanic when the world ends I'm betting you have a bit of knowledge in automotive repair that I do not.. Personally I'm a blacksmith in real life, I forge steel into useful things and I am also a farrier and shoe horses, I also hunt/fish/camp quite a bit and was raised in the country I have a strong set of skills that others might not have. What I am asking for is a way to figure out who the fuck you are before this shit happens so you have an appropriate skill set for your time in the apocalypse. I am not asking for a fucking pyro class, nor a way to say I graduated from scout sniper school and my character was a 10th mountain ranger. Never played cod or battlefield I have a wife and job I play when I can and not very many games sorry. /gogo forum nerd rage powa!!
  6. Dirty Old Coot

    Stuck at loading? Try this.

    would be great if the fucking prog he tells people to use was updated with the current fucking file Attempting for the last two hours to get into a goddamn server, 45 min after this attempted manual patch
  7. Just posted this as a new topic thought I would add it here: So.. I think it would be super fun if the stand alone had classes.. Every Class can do just about anything but only 25-50% as well, so classes are just a boost to that area and maybe one bonus skill unique to that class. Medic: 100% use of first aid items. Special: Defibrillator, resurrect player within 10 seconds of death. Single use can find more. Engineer: 100% use of repair/build skill on buildings/generators/fortifications Special: Starts with toolbox Mechanic: 100% use of vehicle parts Special: turbo kit, add turbo boost to any vehicle ( burns fuel x3) Soldier: Steady hand with all weapons & shakes less with pain. Special: Starts with Camo Hunting with a knife Average Joe: Hardcore Mode, starts with nothing. Special: Does everything @50% I would like to see upgradeable buildings and fortifications that can use repair/upgrade generators/power lines to hold a structure and light up areas at night, and engineer would be a boon in this area, also it would encourage team play of a sort and thus the medic would also bonus. You get the idea any thoughts?