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Everything posted by adversity

  1. I'm really not that arrogant. I mean granted the ladies love me and all, but the whole point of my post was to give these little CSA kids some perspective. I sounded a little douchey, right? It was intentional. I merely took their attitude from all of their recent posts about their obsession with ZH and how awesome they are and just switched it to a real life situation. Funny how they can't see themselves as they do my post eh? You guys [CSA] are a joke, once again this is a freakin video game. Nobody gives a fuck, so don't talk to me about "desperation" Fallen, I'm not the one on a crusade over a PC game...
  2. Surely I can't be the only one who sees the double-standard? You and your buddies have been on a two week crusade of constant posts of "look at us we're awesome and harass the shit out of a group of guys who are just playing to have fun". And you're calling me an attention whore? I'm just having some fun with your crew's constant childish whining and general faggotry. You all have way too much free time and take your gaming way too seriously. If you got out of your parent's basement a little more you'd see how fucking ridiculous your whole crusade has been. Find a new hobby little boy, cuz I've got more important shit to do than deal with some raging nerd on the internet. FYI that picture was taken during Derby @ Churchill Downs earlier this year, a day which was a SHITLOAD of fun. Sorry if my avatar makes you feel insecure and/or jealous because 1) You don't get out much and could never get on my level, and 2) Obviously aren't as attractive of a man such as myself. But atleast I can't be accused of being an anonymous coward...
  3. I'm 28, most of the regs I play with in ZH are in their late 20's to early 30's, some even 40+. I can't speak for anyone but myself, but I appreciate your obsession with ZH. Keep bringing the giggles! :-) I don't take the game seriously enough to come up with a video of the game. So would it be in poor taste, or can I post a video or some pics of the girl I brought home last night? Just figure I should reward you with something for giving me something to laugh at everyday.
  4. adversity

    CSA Murders ZH Clan/Admins Angry VIDEO

    Using the phrase "butt-hurt" is something my 15 year old nieces and nephews do. So on that note, there's really no point in discussing anything as there's a minimum level of maturity required to have a real discussion on the matter. I think the admins have made the point as clearly as they can, there is a severe problem with scriptkiddies on the [ZH] server. You all were NOT kicked because of your unsubstantiated "greatness". Like I already said, act like adults and simply move on, you've made your point that you guys are leet video-gamers, now you're just reinforcing the stereotypes of nerdy kids with too much time on their hands. Stop obsessing over ZH and move on. There will be no further replies from me on the matter, as I refuse to play this childish game.
  5. adversity

    CSA Murders ZH Clan/Admins Angry VIDEO

    Seriously, what is CSA's obsession with [ZH]? It's bordering on creepy. There are thousands of servers out there, if you guys hate us so much go play somewhere else, or better yet get your own server! This is pretty childish and to be honest it's still rather odd how CSA's obsession with ZH coincides with the DoS attacks on our server and the amount of hackers joining it and messing with us. AFAIK Batman is no longer a member of [ZH], or atleast I haven't seen him on for a couple days now. Regardless, I think it's time for you guys to put on your big-boy pants, let it go and move on. You're only making your clan look bad by harassing us constantly and putting up videos that claim superiority while not actually showing an ounce of it. And for the last time, even if you did "sweep" everyone in [ZH] (which hasn't been seen), who really gives a crap??? It's a freakin' video game, and games are meant to be fun. Some people need to get out more, seriously.
  6. adversity

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    CSA seems to be obsessed with us. Why do you all insist on reposting that video, which shows absolutely no ZH members being killed, and claiming that you "sweeped" us, and now it's a "massacre"? 95% of the time we're busy dealing with the obsessed hackers that love to grief us, which oddly coincided with CSA's obsession with us. Like I keep saying, I play to have fun and do just that. If you need to be better than someone in a video game to boost your ego, have at it, but you all have done nothing but repost the same video over and over that doesn't even show you all "owning" anyone. So either get a better video to prove your greatness or stfu about it already as it's getting old.
  7. adversity

    CSA Murders ZH Clan/Admins Angry VIDEO

    It's fairly easy to makeup baseless accusations, I could just as easily say that CSA are cheaters and scriptkiddies and it hold as much merit as your claims. I guarantee you if you could give some proof it'd be handled appropriately. Every time I've been on we've busted ass to repair vehicles and setup camps with legitimate goodies we've scavenged, no spawned vehicles or weapons. If individuals are doing so I'm sure it's on their own accord, as it sure as hell isn't promoted by the higher ups or encouraged. There's over 100 people in ZH, so there's bound to be a few bad apples (although they don't stick around long if they are). With that said, and speaking solely for myself, I play to have fun and do just that. If I needed an ego boost I'd go drag some people around in basketball or paintball or something that actually requires physical talent. Clicking a mouse and maneuvering pixels "better" than another group/person doesn't really make me feel all special. But if that's your gig, and you feel better about yourself by thinking you "sweeped" some other people (which in your video none of them were even ZH) then have at it. I don't really have anything else to say on the matter, so whatever floats your boat have at it, just stop trying to trash ZH as it's making you all look bad.
  8. adversity

    FREE dayz loot/gear giveaway!!!

    My post was in jest, hence the trendy misspelling. It's cool if he's willing to help out others, I'm all for that, but I don't trust anyone but the group I play with!
  9. adversity

    FREE dayz loot/gear giveaway!!!

    It's a tarp! [sic]
  10. adversity

    What does this sign mean?

    No, it happens to everyone. Just don't logout while the red link is up. Only if you commonly get messages of "no response from server in x seconds", then it's a problem.
  11. adversity

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    In-game Name: adversity Steam name: RespectThis Age: 28 The current time zone you're residing in: (UTC -5) EST Mic: Roger (Turtle Beach XP500) How long you've been playing: Approx 2 weeks Your preferred role and/or weapon: Whatever is needed at the time, but I enjoy over-watch, medic or just a plain old soldier. For over-watch, the SVD Camo is my weapon of choice. For medic/Soldier I'd go with an M4A1 CCO SD Humanity(bandit/survivor/hero): Currently have a bandit skin for killing 3 people. I've only had 3 murders in-game and 2 bandit kills. But for the most part I'm fairly neutral and only engage if I feel it's me or them.
  12. adversity

    Looking for M24!

    I've got an M24 with no ammo I'd be willing to let go of. I assume the M4A1 SD is actually the M4A1 CCO SD?
  13. So I finally got my bluetooth dongle and my headset is up and running now \o/. I've been playing for about two and a half weeks, probably a little above novice but not nearly battle hardened yet (not a lot of firefights so far). I feel as though I have a good grasp on the mechanics of the game and most of the weapons. I've yet to teamup with anyone so I've been doing the lone wolf bit but I think this game really requires a group to get the most enjoyment out of it. So now I'm looking for a good group, preferably of older folks, to run Chernarus with. I consider myself mostly neutral, I'm not trigger happy but there has been one or two days that I have purposely KoS, admitedly it's only been two people lol. One was a guy up on the roof of the fire station that was just unlucky to be the first guy I came across after getting an SVD camo, and well I needed a live test subject to test on. It took me a whole clip (hadn't read up on zeroing and how easy it is with the SVD), but I did score a kill from ~1KM. This guy could've lived if he didn't lay down on the roof and try to hide behind the half-wall. The other was some dude who was just in the wrong place at the wrong time in the woods, who startled me, and wasn't paying attention. The second one didn't initially warrant a round to the chest, but after putting two in him it was obvious he tried to alt+f4, but wasn't quick enough, so I didn't feel too bad about this fella. I'm open to whatever play-style though and would prefer a group that is kind of the same. Maybe one day we just want to fix-up a heli and fly around doing evacs or whatever and the next raid a fellow survivor camp for goodies and the thrill, or holdups, etc. So if you have a strict no aggression policy, it's probably not the best fit for me. But I'm not entirely eliminating this as a possibility, I just want a good group that's fun to play with. Some info: I'm 28, live in Louisville, KY (EST). Currently going back to college to finish out my degree. I'm not working ATM as school is full time, but I intend to ge a part time job in the coming months, so I will be available but I do have other priorities that come first in real life. But I try to get on everyday for atleast a little bit. Current character has an AKM/M24 and a M1911, along with the necessities (knife, map, compass, matches, hatchet, water bottles and plenty of mags) and the big Coyote backpack. But this is obviously subject to change, rapidly... So if there's a group out there of similar minded folk, let me know!
  14. Anyone looking to teamup right now? It's a rainy day here, I have no classes on Friday's and I'm thinking most of my day is going to be spent playing DayZ :) Skype: jmwhitman25
  15. Actually a little over half. A cow nets 8 steaks, and each steak restores 800pts. I think pigs net 3 steaks, lambs are 4? and cows are 8.
  16. As said, cooked meat. You need a hunting knife, matches, and a hatchet. Kill your prey with whatever means you see fit, walk over to it and gut it, then open your gear and put the raw meat in your inventory. Then go over to a forest (if you don't already have a wood pile in your inventory), right click your hatchet and 'harvest wood'. Then go somewhere where you have some privacy, open your inventory and right click on the matches and 'make fireplace', then open your action menu near the fireplace and lick 'light fire', then 'cook meat', then consume delicious steak! Each steak restores 800 health points. Smaller canned foods like beans and sardines restore 200 pts also
  17. adversity

    How is he not dead [video]

    There's alot of variables (regardless of the method of hit detection), so I wouldn't be so hasty to scream hacker. Regardless of client/server hit detection, latency is still a factor. Your client still has to send that info to the server, as does the other player. And the dude was obviously having some issues as he warped back down the steps and came up again, which didn't happen on his screen. As was mentioned he probably shot you first on his screen. Don't reply before reading the next statement... I'm not doubting that your info is correct icomrade, but do you have a legit source to backup your claims? More specifically that a hit is a hit is a hit. Are you certain the server doesn't discard information if the timestamp from one player is earlier than the others? I.e. on OP's screen the guy warps back down the steps, comes up and OP shoots him, then the packet is sent to the server. On the other guys screen he walks up the stairs fluidly and sees OP and shoots first, and his is timestamped earlier so the server discards the registered hits from OP. NOT stating this is fact, I'm asking for a more reliable source rather than pure anecdotal evidence or conjecture
  18. Is there any way to run the game in windowed full screen? I run a dual monitor setup and having to alt-tab to get to the other monitor causes various issues. Mainly that I can't see what's going on in-game and in this game it matters. Biggest issue though is that alt-tabbing causes my toon to start firing his weapon and a) draw attention and B) waste precious ammo. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  19. adversity

    Windowed Mode (Full Screen)?

    I use DayZ Commander. Ticking the "Windowed Mode" option does the same thing as the in-game setting, i.e. launches in a Window as expected (with the menubar up top and the startbar remaining visible). I suppose if there's no other option this method works, so long as you have your startbar set to auto-hide and fiddle with the window a bit. A genuine full-screen windowed mode would be preferred though, for obvious reasons. With the traditional window mode the edges of the window overlap onto my other monitor if I attempt to make it occupy as much screen real-estate as possible. I'm tired and about to crash, but tomorrow I'm going to see if another tip for ARMA2 I read works (suggests running in window mode and defining the desired screen resolution in the cfg). If I find anything out I'll post back here, if anyone else finds a good working method please feel free to throw it in here as well :D --edit-- After checking the link ZePlague posted, I see the above fix was mentioned there as well. I'll try it tomorrow when I get a chance and see how it works. Thanks, you've got some beans sir.
  20. adversity

    @Mike on US 2135 Dallas... The beast of Cherno.

    I love reading stories like these, especially when a good story teller is at the helm lacing it with adjectives and detail to put you in the story. I still feel I am missing out on the true DayZ experience and deperately want to find a group to go on crashed heli and camp raids with. But I finally ordered a bluetooth dongle so I can hook my Trutle Beach XP500 headset up and talk with people. So soon enough, hopefully, I'll have my own stories like these :D
  21. Forgive my ignorance, I started playing DayZ 2 weeks ago, but what exactly was "side chat"? Also when I type something into the Global Channel, are people within the area I'm in (or within a certain minimum distance) the only ones that see it? If so, what is the required distance for someone to see it?
  22. adversity

    The DayZ world is a complete wreck......

    Is that the typo I fixed? Or is it a joke that's gone clean over my head? haha. I'm going to go put some coffee in me before this gets any worse :P
  23. adversity

    The DayZ world is a complete wreck......

    I make that mistake frequently myself though. In fact I did it in another thread just a few minutes ago. But it's 8:00am here, so I blame it on a lack of coffee and not a misunderstanding of the meaning of either :D. But I don't know what the excuse is for the person that need not be named lol I'll give you credit though, atleast you took it lightheartedly as it was intended. Plenty of other people would have gone on a tirade and wished cancer upon me for a simple joke.